Demon understood Devlin. If he didn’t need to focus on finding Cat, he would temper the beast inside of him in a similar way.
“We’ve got nothing! Cat is out there all alone, taken by who knows what club… And what are we doin’?! Talking in circles. What are you even doin’ here, Enforcer? Didn’t you tell my sister to fuck off tonight?!” Devlin spat as he turned his eyes into slits.
Demon cocked his head, already knowing that whatever he would say would set Devlin off. But if Devlin thought he could lash out unpunished, he was in for a surprise.
“You’re questioning my rightful place in being here?” Demon held Devlin’s glaring stare, knowing that as an MMA fighter himself, Devlin could do some serious damage.
“Cut it out. We need to focus on finding Cat. We only have one shot. Work together with Demon or you’re out, Dev,” Zeus said.
Devlin slammed his fist on the kitchen counter, rattling Fox’s laptop. “Catriona ismyflesh and blood. Not just your Old Lady’s half sister. The twins came into my life when I was seventeen and I promised to protect them, no matter what.”
Zion clasped his big hand on Devlin’s shoulder and said, “We know.”
Demon didn’t have time for a family recap because Cat didn’t have that luxury.
Demon held Devlin’s glare and said, “They kidnapped Cat from our Prez’s home. This is club business. If you’re not able to keep your head in the game—”
Devlin tried to push Zion out of his way, and Demon wished they would just let them beat the shit out of each other since they both worked that way in getting their heads on straight.
“Just head into the backyard already and bash each other’s heads in,” Gwenn said after taking a bottle of water out of the fridge, totally unbothered by all the testosterone floating in the air.
“And while you two boys are playing tag in the backyard, the rest of us will actually work on getting my sister back,” Gwenn added.
“I’m sorry, sis,” Devlin said to his half sister.
Demon didn’t take crap from anyone, but since Gwenn had a point, he said, “You’re right. I’m sorry, Brass Balls.”
Zeus’ brows rose to his hairline and Wolf coughed like spittle went into the wrong pipe—putting on some show like Demon had never apologized before in his life.
Maybe he hadn’t. Sometimes, he really hated his best friends.
“Just focus on getting Cat back,” Gwenn said while Zeus pulled her into his arms.
“Did your boss find anything?” Demon asked Gwenn, since she worked as a P.I. for Donovan Mills, the number one hacker in the state.
“Not yet. He’s working on it,” she said.
Zeus shot a glance over his shoulder, making sure his sisters couldn’t hear from the living room sofa before he said, “We all know who’s behind this, anyway. They weren’t flying colors, but we don’t need to see their cuts to know they’re Strong Riders.”
“Okay, so let’s go then. They already have a fifteen minute head start,” Devlin said.
Zeus shook his head.
Devlin placed his palms on the countertop, leaning forward. “Why not? If Demi or Princess were taken—”
Zeus narrowed his eyes. “I would have done the exact same thing. These dumb fucks are obviously trying to lure us into a trap. We need to think things through for a moment and not go after them in a blind rage.”
Devlin scoffed. “Fuck that. I’m not standing by and—”
Wolf stepped up, taking on his role as VP as he said, “They might be stupid enough to mess with us, but they know we have eyes on their clubhouse and wouldn’t take her there. Give us an hour, Dev. Fox is already making a list of the places those weasels own and we have our feelers out on the street. Gwenn’s boss is hacking into security feeds around the neighborhood, tracking those bastards. We’ll get her back, Dev. I swear.”
Devlin fisted the long black strands of hair on his head and mumbled, “But in what condition?”
Devlin’s words turned on a switch inside of Demon. A familiar dead calm took over him as his hand slid over his belt sheath, finding comfort in the knowledge that it wouldn’t be long before he would carve up a few Strong Riders.
Cat woke up with her face plastered against the cold steel floor of a moving vehicle, her wrists tied behind her back and her mouth gagged with a rag. This wasn’t how she imagined spending her night.