She rammed her fist against his broken nose and reveled in his high-pitched cry. She prepared herself for a roundhouse kick, but retracted her foot when two other men loomed from the back of the yard. Although she figured they were bikers, as they were dressed in biker boots and leather, they had left their cuts at home.
With her back facing the patio door, she couldn’t see the Doukas sisters, but she heard them yell and scream. They probably talked to Zeus on the phone. She needed to distract these guys for a bit longer, since the clubhouse was just a ten-minute drive away.
Cat frantically searched the backyard for anything she could use to take out the now three men standing before her.
“It’s no use, Catriona. If you come willingly—” the biggest guy said.
“How do you know my name?” She walked backwards, hoping to lure the men under the porch light to the left of the patio door and into sight of the security camera.
The biggest man, dressed in leather from his neck to his toes, stepped forward. Cat shivered as his dark eyes held her captive from behind the tiny holes in his beanie.
“Look at this little kitty cat… trying to outsmart us.”
She tried to recognize his rough voice, but maybe being outnumbered by three unknown bikers didn’t help her focus.
“Who are you?”
“Your worst nightmare,” the biggest biker said before he slammed his fist against her head, shedding her in total blackness.
Demon turned off the engine of his FXDR 114 at a rest stop off Texas State Highway 16 and took his phone out of his jacket.
“What?!” he barked into the receiver without screening the call.
He didn’t know why he even bothered to pick up the phone; it probably was his cousin Dragon about some stupid fight between brothers at the clubhouse, anyway.
“My house. Now!”
Before Demon could ask Zeus what the deal was, he’d already hung up on him. The less his president said over the phone, the more it convinced Demon that some serious shit went down.
Demon checked his phone for other calls or texts and found nothing. Radio silence from every other club officer meant only one thing: whatever happened tonight needed to stay under the radar.
The fifteen-minute-drive to Zeus’ house went by in a blur as Demon let every possible scenario cross his mind. He hoped that Zeus finally found their mole that blabbed about Zeus’ Old Lady coming with them to Playa Andorra a few weeks ago, when they were on their way to save a kidnapped girl named Ariella.
Annas and some pussies from his new club, the Strong Riders, had been waiting on Gwenn to show up at that beach town near the Mexican border. Demon swallowed down the bile, remembering how Ariella had killed Annas, so she and Gwenn could get away from their kidnappers, who were about to sell them as sex slaves.
Rolling up in Zeus’ rustic street with just a few scattered houses, the first thing he noticed were the eight hogs parked in the driveway. He recognized the bikes from his fellow club officers and Zeus’ Old Lady, Gwenn.
That other sleek bike standing on the left side of the driveway had his heart stuck in his throat. Why in hell would Devlin be here? There was no need for him to attend any sit-downs since he was just a full-patched member and not a club officer—unless this meeting had something to do with his family or the club’s strip club, the Pink Flower, which Devlin managed.
Demon passed the living room window and saw his sisters Amara and Demi huddled on the sofa, crying. He hurried inside, realizing that if his sisters were crying, this shit had nothing to do with the Pink Flower.
He ignored Wolf, Fox and Zion on his way inside and went straight over to the sofa, where he went down on his knees and pulled both sisters into a hug.
“What’s wrong?Kamari mou…”
He called the girlshis pridein Greek, just like their father did. He’d been taking care of the girls together with Zeus ever since he moved in with the Doukas family at age ten, and Amara was a seven-month-old baby and Demi, six years old.
Demi never wanted much to do with the club, especially after their mother Ophelia died when she was ten. In hindsight, it was around that period that Annas first drifted away from his family.
Zeus and Demon had been fourteen when Ophelia died and Annas allowed them to hang out more at the club. While his best friends, Zeus and Wolf, attended club house parties, fucking sweetbutts twice their age, Demon went to the warehouse in the back of the compound and fought brothers twice his age.
Demon broke free from their three-way-hug but held a hand of each sister. Amara hiccupped and Demon smelled the anise scent on her breath. It took him aback since he hadn’t smelled or even tasted ouzo since that day many weeks ago when he got shitfaced with Zeus, Gwenn, Amara and Demi right after Annas died.
“Tell me.”