Page 35 of Demon

“Nothing, sweetie,” Demi said while patting her sister’s arm.

As the spicy anise woke up the back of her palate, Cat pushed back the memory of sharing ouzo with Demon up on the dirt bike ramp in the middle of the night three long years ago. When he finally gave into her for that exhilarating night, she felt his desire as their tongues tangled. He touched parts of her soul no man ever reached since she only ever wanted him.

Demi’s waving hand in front of her eyes pulled her out of her daze. “Earth to Cat… What happened tonight?”

Cat needed a second to forget the taste of Demon on her tongue. She’d actually licked his stupid throat while he pumped his dick inside that whore’s mouth.

“Demon got himself a nice blowjob while he said hi to me.”

Demi pushed her shot glass away, seemingly nauseated by the picture Cat painted while Amara grabbed the bottle and refilled Cat’s glass.

“They’re pigs. Every single one of them,” Demi said.

Cat hummed. “Yeah, I know. Even our own brothers were rancid before they got Old Ladies.”

Amara threw back her shot without waiting for Cat to even lift her glass. Amara grimaced and said, “At least Zeus and Devlin have found a way to deal with the club and stay true to their wives. It just shows that the rest of them are assholes and just walk around with their dick in hand.”

Demi snorted. “Let me guess: the right thing for Wolf would be to keep his dick in his pants and ride his big hog over here to sweep you off—”

Amara stumbled from her barstool, grabbing the edge of the kitchen counter just in time. Swaying on her feet, Amara’s eyes spat fire. “No, not at all. I want him to be happy. Fucking everything with tits and a pulse clearly makes him happy. Wolf doesn’t have a problem. It’s me.I’mthe one who got her feelings hurt because I made up this stupid romance inside my head while he’s only ever been nice to me as a friend.”


Amara ignored Demi as she walked over to her phone and cranked up the music. Cat pulled out the joint from her back pocket that Turtle gave her earlier tonight.

Cat left the two bickering sisters behind in the kitchen and pushed the patio door open. She stepped outside in the warm Texas night and rested her back against the window next to the door. While she searched for a lighter in her leather jacket pockets, the snapping of a branch in the back of the backyard instantly sobered her.

She remembered Squirrel opening the compound gate for her not that long ago, so she crossed that prospect from the list. One of the other prospects had been killed many months ago, which left the prospects Evan and Green as her suspects since all full-patched members were at the party tonight.

Cat squeezed her eyes to slits, scanning the backyard of the Iron Viking President. Why wouldn’t this prospect sit his ass down on the hammock but crouch next to it in the shadows?

“Who’s there?” She called out to the dark figure that got up from his crouching position. Before she realized her mistake, the guy already sprinted in her direction. She didn’t recognize him by his posture while a black beanie obscured his face.

Cat twisted the lock-button on the patio door and slammed the door shut, trapping the Doukas sisters safely inside because she didn’t know if the stranger was alone and if she could fight them all.

She turned around and instantly caught the asshole’s fist in her belly.

“Fuckin’ hell,” she croaked as the blow took her breath away.

“Someone just attacked Cat in our backyard! No, the door is locked! I can’t get to her!” Demi’s muffled shouts gave Cat the wake-up call she needed to act quickly before the Doukas sisters opened the door in a futile attempt to help her. Their father might have been a feared outlaw MC president; the sisters had no business in fighting off grown ass men.

At least Cat knew how to fight as a female MMA fighter for the club. The sisters would only make it harder for Cat to focus.

"Take that, coward!" she kicked out her leg, which unfortunately only skimmed his junk because he swerved just in time.

The five-foot ten-inch man didn’t make a sound except for his heavy breathing as his fingers clawed in her leather jacket before dragging her toward the back of the yard.

Flashbacks of what happened many years ago with Rick made her freeze for a millisecond.

He’d probably found a way around the security system, cutting a hole in the wire without triggering the alarm. In order to do this shit at Zeus’ fortress, this guy needed to be a pro.

She overtook his grip and crashed her forehead against his nose. She actually cackled at the sound of the bone breaking.

“What did you do to the prospect?!”

Grunts were her attacker’s only reply as his grip slipped from her jacket. She pushed his chest, feeling the hard pecs underneath his black long-sleeved shirt.

The guy took her by surprise with a left hook, splitting her bottom lip. She kept her stance wide, taking his next hit in stride as she watched him for any signs of weakness.