Zeus scoffed. “You voted for amending that club rule for a reason.”
“I’m not making Cat my Old Lady. Not in a million years.”
Zeus slapped Demon’s back before he lit up a joint. If any other asshole dared to touch him like that, they would go down in flames. Demon accepted Zeus’ joint and took a hit.
“You know that you’ll end up going on a killing spree the minute she moves on from her obsession and walks away, right?”
Demon shrugged as he exhaled the smoke that curled around his face. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
“What if one of our brothers makes use of the new rule and makes her his Old Lady?”
Demon gritted his teeth, swallowing down the bile clawing up his throat, as he purposely didn’t answer Zeus.
Zeus held out his hand to get his joint back. “She’s been pushing every bastard away who comes sniffing. All because of you.”
“I never told her she should,” Demon said as he walked over to his hog, done with the conversation.
“No? What about three years ago?” Zeus saw right through him just like his old man used to.
Demon’s hand stilled on the throttle. “What about it?”
"I know something happened that night on her eighteenth birthday," Zeus said, his green eyes trapping him over the brightly burning embers of his joint.
Demon would never lie to his president, so he kept quiet instead.
“Get your shit together, Enforcer. I need you on your A game, since we still have a rat to smoke out of our club. Shit is about to go down with the Strong Riders now that Silas declared war on us.”
The mere mention of their former VP gave Demon an instant migraine. Silas had fucked the club in the ass by getting their former Prez hooked on blow and whispering devious plans into Annas’ ear like trading skin for the club.
Annas and Silas had secretly taken over the Strong Riders MC, thinking they could merge the two clubs and deal in blow and traffic girls over the Mexican border to some drug lord. When things didn’t go as planned with the cartel, four of IVMC’s members ended up dead, which lead to Zeus finding out about his father’s betrayal before overthrowing him.
Annas got what he deserved when a girl kidnapped by his new club stabbed him to death. Although somewhere deep down, Demon still loved the old man who took him in at age ten, he knew Annas had to be stopped.
Annas Doukas had always been larger than life in Demon’s eyes, but he could never forgive him for hurting innocent women. If it weren’t for his VP, Silas, none of this would have ever happened.
Silas had masterminded everything and Demon wouldn’t stop until he finally got his revenge.
To take out a monster, one must act like one. Demon would gladly step up to the plate and set everything else aside. Even Catriona Walker claiming him as her man in front of his entire club.
Cat turned off Dolly’s engine and glanced up at the starry night above Amara’s house. The ten-minute ride from the clubhouse to her friend’s house didn’t clear her head like she’d hoped.
Her first instinct was to drive straight over to her cousins Ryleigh and Mia, and talk shit about Demon all night. But Ryleigh’s husband, Keenan, kept his girl safely away from the club, so she opted to go see her friends that were born into the club.
It never crossed her mind that all this time, she’d been wrong in holding out hope that Demon would eventually come to his senses. Cat should have listened to Demon whenever he pushed her away.
Cat took off her helmet when a ping sounded from her jacket. She grabbed her phone and read the first text with a watery smile.
DEVLIN:You safe? Text me back.
NORA:Where are you? Did Demon leave with you?
Hmm.At least Demon didn’t go back inside the clubhouse for another show after she left the compound. Cat texted her brother and sister that she’d arrived at Amara’s.
She took a minute to spy on the two silhouettes dancing in the living room. Seeing Amara and Demi piss drunk in front of the television as they sang off key to some Korean boy band struck a painful nerve.
Cat slammed her fist on the living room window, enjoying how Zeus’ sisters almost shit their pants. She strolled to the front door, waiting for one of the Doukas girls to open up.