Demon rested his strong, muscular back against the filthy dry wall in the back of the clubhouse bar while the blonde unzipped his jeans.
The asshole probably wanted to shock her with this skank so she would run off like a scared little bitch. How disappointing that he obviously didn’t know her after all these years if he thought this would help his case.
Cat saw right through him. He never fucked the sweetbutts out in the open like the rest of his band of brothers.
She gave Demon a catty grin on her way over because she had his number. Oh, this seven-foot monster that had hardened criminals cry for their momma, was actually rattled enough by little old her that he needed this club whore on her knees between them in his futile attempt to keep her at bay.
Demon might be a lot of things; the club’s torturer, a stone-cold killer who'd lost his soul a long time ago, but who knew that she could add pussy to the list?
"How are you, Demon?" she asked in a syrupy voice. "Enjoying the party I see?"
The club whore whimpered when Demon tightened his grip on her hair as Cat accepted the stare down above her bobbing head.
"Hi, Whirlwind," he had the audacity to say in his usual raspy, dark voice that raised the hairs on the back of her neck.
The girl stopped bobbing her head and said in a hoarse, high-pitched voice, "Should I leave you two alone?"
Cat slithered her fingers through the golden locks of hair before she ushered the blonde’s head forward again.
"No, don't stop on my account. You've been hungry for his dick all night. Isn't that what you told me just five minutes ago?"
Cat felt her upper lip pull in what her twin described as her weird grimacing smile, as she kept the girl's head in place.
Cat held Demon's dark stare as the girl choked on Demon's shaft, invading her throat. She didn’t find it in her to feel sorry for the new girl since she’d obviously started this shit by purposely bumping into her and boasting about her plans with Demon.
"One thing you should know about me, sweetbutt: I don't take kindly to a bitch gloating in my face about sucking my man’s dick tonight."
Demon narrowed his eyes but still pumped his hips because this fucking showdown must rev the sick bastard's engine. The sweetbutt gagged loudly enough to gain an audience, but neither Demon nor Cat cared enough to stop.
"I'm not your man, little girl," he said in between thrusts.
She hated how he kept calling her that just to bait her. The only reason she didn’t punch his arrogant smirk from his face was to show him she’d grown up now. Not only did she fight in the club’s MMA underground fighting club, she also helped the club by cooking the books for several IVMC businesses. And on top of that; she’d finally turned twenty-fucking-one.
Little girl—her ass.
She gave him a chagrin smile. "Keep telling yourself that. I see right through you, Demon. Enjoy this horrible sloppy blowjob while it lasts because the next bitch who comes near what's mine will find a horse's head in her bed."
She hated how she just showed the entire clubhouse her cards, but enough was enough. She had been in love with the man for the past seven years, ever since he’d saved her. Demon never gave her a reason to hope, always pushing her away because she was either too young or because he wouldn’t go against club rules by messing with his club brother’s sister.
If it hadn’t been for that one night on her eighteenth birthday three years ago, she would have given up all hope. But since that night, she’d been biding her time. She had been plotting and scheming and, most of all, fantasying.
Demon closed his eyes, the back of his head bumping the wall behind him. "You're fuckin' crazy..."
He moaned his words and Cat felt the tingling between her legs morph into an unbearable itch because he was absolutely right. She was crazy. And he fucking loved that about her.
She was crazy enough to fall for the club’s monster because what sane person would crave the man that needed a kill like he needed his next breath?
Who knew she would actually enjoy seeing his rugged, scarred face in pain, as he clearly didn't want to come in front of her.
She leaned over the skank's bobbing head and licked the side of his throat. She loved how Demon shivered before an animalistic growl escaped his full lips.
"Come, Demon. Fill her mouth as a last hurrah, because this is the last time I'll let you pull this shit."
His nostrils flared before he grabbed Cat by her nape and pulled her up to his eye level.
"I'll never be yours, Cat. I'm a dirty, sick bastard with no need for an Old Lady, let alone a little girl who likes to play silly games."