Page 12 of Demon

Coming home from a three-day long run, the last thing Demon expected was finding Whirlwind in the back of the compound, fighting that shit for brains prospect. If that boy’s father, Mud, wasn’t a part of the club, this unworthy little punk would never in a million years be wearing a prospect cut.

“Stay down,” he ordered the dipshit lying on the ground before him.

Demon turned his attention to the girl with a creepy grin on her bloodied face. Little bits and pieces of what must have happened fell into place as he passed long, raven hair with the ends dipped in pink on the ground and a chunk of bloodied skin.

He held still before Cat, his nostrils flaring as the familiar, soothing smell of blood reached him. With her blood-smeared face, she looked eerie enough to make a grown man’s skin crawl.

Not Demon’s, though. He’d grown up in angst and seen shit that nobody should ever witness. And while he’d survived the first decade of his life in a constant state of fear, he now enjoyed the panic reflecting on fuckers who thought they could hurt IVMC.

Mud’s son had this coming for a long time and until now, Annas had put a stop to Zeus and Demon, kicking Rick’s ass out of the club. Demon couldn’t wait to finally get rid of the bad seed.

“You bit his face off?” Demon asked, suppressing a smirk.

She shrugged her shoulders, acting like nothing ever rattled her. He fought the urge to grab her face and lick the blood from her cheek just to shock her.

He quickly blinked that thought away.

“Why?” he asked.

“He pulled my hair—”

She stopped talking when a few of the brothers that had gathered around busted out laughing.

Demon didn't know why he wrapped a silky raven strand around his finger that had escaped her messy ponytail.

“You always lose your shit when someone touches your hair?”

Cat’s eyes lit up with surprise and he instantly let go of her hair, remembering she was his club brother's way too young sister.

“Not really. But he has no right to touch me.”

This teenage girl staring up at him with her wide eyes and blood-smeared face intrigued him. He almost pointed out that she’d just let him touch her hair, but Demon never showed his cards.

While he’d found her an irritating brat last year, in front of him now stood a teenager who’d just fought off a grown man before she stood up for herself against a crowd of laughing bikers.

Demon respected her grit and admired her strength.

“Frigid little bitch,” Mud said before laughing the loudest.

Demon held Mud’s beady eyes over the top of Cat’s head. “Shut your mouth, sick fuck. She’s fourteen.”

Mud got more and more defiant by the day. Maybe now was the right time for Demon to take this old timer down a few pegs.

“What the hell is she doing alone with Mud’s son, then?” Mammoth said.

“He dragged me to the trees by my hair.” Cat pointed to her messy ponytail with chunks of hair hanging loose.

“My son was just messin’ around,” Mud said as he walked up to her.

Demon took a step forward, but still rested a hand on Cat’s shoulder so he didn’t have to worry about her suddenly flying at Mud’s throat.

It sickened Demon that he even had to think about a brother hurting a young girl, let alone condoning it. What was becoming of the club that once had taken Demon in as a scared little punk in need of shelter and protection? How could some of his so-called brothers be fine with a grown man harassing a young girl?

He felt Cat lean in before spittle of blood flew past Demon and landed before Mud’s scuffed leather boots. Demon gave Cat the side-eye; as he couldn’t believe she just spat the ground while meeting Mud’s glare head on.

“He wasn’t just messing around. He licked my face and threatened to stick his dick in my mouth,” Cat said, her voice unwavering.

“Motherfucker!” Devlin roared as he ran to the prospect and flew on top of him.