She shouted once again, but a group of incoming motorcycles drowned out her cries. In a last attempt to get away from her attacker, she turned her head in excruciating pain as he held on and ripped some of her hair out.
She opened her mouth wide and bit down on the first bit of uncovered skin she could find. The guy she now recognized as the prospect from last year, who’d winked at Nora at the gate, screamed in agony when she closed her teeth and cut through the skin of his cheek.
Like a starved pit bull, she locked her jaw, tearing through tissue as he tried to push her away from him. She held on, though. The warm jets of blood filling her mouth and overflowing her lips soothed her in a way she’d never experienced before.
Now that she’d tasted his blood, she needed more. She wanted him in pain.
Just like he would have hurt her between the trees and far away from help.
The prospect had other plans, however, as he kicked her stomach. She finally had to let go when his second kick took her breath away. Cat spat the prospect’s torn flesh out on the concrete in front of her boots. She licked her lips and watched him closely for his next move.
“You crazy cunt! Look what you’ve done to my face!” he roared before he came at her.
She didn’t know what to do in a fight. Well, not really. She fought all the time at school against catty teenage girls her age and one or two boys who’d talked shit about her cousin Ryleigh.
She’d never stood against a guy who had at least ninety pounds on her. An exhilarating rush flowed under her skin as his eyes widened when she came at him for a second round.
“Get away from me!” he shouted as she scratched her black painted nails from his forehead all the way down to his chin, drawing beautiful blotchy red lines. The pain of his fist stomping against her nose didn’t even register as she admired her handiwork.
She’d never felt so alive yet out of this world before.
It was like she’d stepped out of her body and something, a higher power or whatever, took over for her. She could finally forget all the bullshit. All she needed to focus on was surviving this fight. Nothing else mattered.
Cat had never felt this free.
“Step away, NOW!” a deep voice thundered behind her from thirty feet away.
She instantly recognized Demon’s booming voice. A weird squeeze of her heart had Cat instantly back down.
Demon went straight for the prospect, wrapping his fingers around the prospect’s neck as he pushed him backwards until he slammed his back against a tree.
“What the fuck is goin’ on?” Devlin boomed as he rushed up to them.
His eyes rounded in shock as he took in Cat’s bloody face.
Devlin flew at the prospect. “You hurt my sister?!”
Demon held the prospect with one hand by his neck against the tree, while also pushing Devlin back, who tried to reach the prospect.
“Back down, Dev! That’s an order,” Demon shouted.
“The fuck you’re on?! That’s my little sister! Have you seen her face?!”
Her brother tried again to ram his fist in the prospect’s face, but Demon was strong enough to push Devlin back.
“I shouldn’t have to fuckin’ tell you this! Rick is not only a prospect, he’s also Mud’s son. It’s club business first and foremost, but I’m sure Prez will let you punish him, regardless,” Demon said in a gravelly voice that prickled Cat’s skin.
“I want to do it,” Cat said, not giving a rat’s ass about a few surprised brothers mumbling behind her back how crazy she was.
Demon finally looked at her over his shoulder and his hand around the prospect’s neck slipped just enough to let the prospect double over as he gulped for air.
Demon kicked the prospect’s ass, making him fall to his side as he kept wheezing.
“Stay down,” Demon said.
She watched Demon sauntering up to her, taking his time before he held still just a few inches from her face.