The guy with his hair up in some pussy ass bun wrapped his large hand around Cat’s throat, lifting her up from the ground.
“I’m gonna kill you, crazy bitch!”
Demon didn’t waste a second and stuck his blade in the side of the motherfucker’s throat, reveling in the undeterred spray of blood as the guy gurgled and screamed.
“Don’t die on me yet!” Cat screamed in the guy’s face as she kicked him in his balls.
The guy fell to his knees on the wooden planks and tried to stop the bleeding with both hands to his throat. Cat showed no mercy as she kicked him once more, making him fall to his back.
She pressed her boot to his face and said, “Not an hour ago, you had me in this exact position. Do you think I should show you mercy?”
Cat shrugged Demon’s hand from her arm, adding, “I didn’t have time to really hurt Ulf before killing him. But I do with you…”
Demon heard Zion fighting Mud and the bald man behind them, but he couldn't take his eyes off Cat who had risen from the ashes to cause death and destruction.
He watched her grab the man’s hands that were holding on to his throat. She pulled them away, uncaring about the man’s frightened and pleading eyes.
“Beautiful,” Cat whispered, as she watched the blood pool around the guy before slipping into the cracks between the wooden planks.
Seeing this side to Cat made him hard as stone. If that wasn’t enough proof of him being unhinged and not good enough for her, he didn’t know what was.
She didn’t know if it was the adrenaline rush preparing her body for the next stressful hit, or if she was just plain psycho; but holding Demon’s stare as she killed Man Bun gave her a different kind of rush.
A shiver raked her spine as Demon licked his lips while staring her down. She felt that stupid simmer of hope flare deep inside of her when he didn’t move a muscle as she walked up to him.
Cat ignored Zion bashing Mud’s head against the floor, finally silencing the old creep. She gingerly stuck out her hand, expecting Demon to grab her wrist and halting her mid-air. Since he let her, she touched his sun-kissed cheek, smearing it all over with blood dripping from her fingers.
“Kiss me,” she whispered.
She wouldn’t make the first move. Not after the shit he’d pulled at the clubhouse earlier tonight. It seemed like a lifetime ago that her obsession with Demon was the biggest thing to worry about. How juvenile. How… innocent.
Nobody could save her now from the darkness pulling her under.
She’d killed two men tonight.
And felt nothing.
Nothing but a dark hole consumed her chest.
Demon’s dark pools held her captive, but the stubborn man didn’t make a move.
They stared at each other, with her bloody palm on his cheek unmoving as she waited and waited for him to finally give in to her. Hadn’t she suffered enough? What more should she take tonight? Demon rejecting her would send her over the deep end.
Zion passed them with Snare slung over his shoulder. “I’ll put them in the van out back. This asshole had the key in his pocket. I’ll be right back for Mud.”
Demon’s eyes briefly glanced over to Zion before returning on her.
“You don’t really want this, Cat. You’ve been through—”
“Don’t you dare assume what I’ve been through!”
Her hand fell from his face when he stepped back. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I don’t. Will you tell me?”
Zion interrupted them by reentering the cabin. “I’ll grab Mud and be out of your way.”
“What for?” Demon snarled.