Page 50 of Demon

They stood in silence for what felt like eternity, when finally, they heard voices coming from the back of the woods.

Zion and Demon gave each other a single nod in silence. They both took in positions on each side of the door, hiding just out of sight but within arm’s reach for whoever walked through that door.

“Finally. If I had to carry her much longer, I would have left her.”

Demon’s eyebrow lifted, matching Zion’s look of surprise at hearing Mud’s booming voice.

Demon instantly connected the bike to Mud. Fuckin’ Mud. After being banned by Zeus months ago, they all figured he and Mammoth had joined Annas and Silas’ new club.

Now he understood why they’d targeted Cat instead of his sisters Amara and Demi. Mud made everything personal. Always had. Their feud started almost two decades ago when Annas picked Demon as their Enforcer, leaving Mud standing with his dick in his hand.

His son’s attack on Cat had probably sealed Cat’s and Demon’s fate in Mud’s eyes.

Demon knocking Mud out cold in a crowded clubhouse hadn’t helped, either.

Zion mouthed, “Carry her?”

Demon didn’t want to think about all the ominous reasons why she couldn’t walk herself. He pulled his knife out of his sheath, finding the much needed calm taking over his body and mind.

“I can’t believe that cunt killed Ulf,” a guy, whose voice he didn’t recognize, said.

Demon’s upper lip pulled up in a creepy, proud smirk. He knew he looked creepy by the rounding of Zion’s eyes. Or maybe he’d shocked Zion because he never smiled. Cat killing one of the Strong Riders filled his icy heart with the hope that she was still alive.

“The bitch is crazy. I’ll bet if she wakes up, she’ll come after my other eye,” another man said, closer to the door this time.

Wakes up…

Zion nodded with a relieved smile. She might be out cold, but she was alive.

Damn. She was a fighter. He didn’t know why he felt relieved, since he should have known she wouldn’t take shit lying down.

Catriona Walker might be crazy enough to rather go down with her guns blazin’ than playing things safe, but he respected that. It was the only way he wished to go out of this world, too.

A guy with a spider web tattooed on his bald head entered the hut first. He held a hand over right eye and walked straight past Zion, who stood with his back against the wall.

“I’m goin’ to rip her apart for hurting my eye,” the bald guy mumbled to himself, with his back to Demon and Zion.

Mud entered the musty cabin with Cat in his arms. Demon’s heart skipped a beat when Cat peeked through one eye a few feet away. Smart girl; playing unconscious so she could take them by surprise.

He hoped she could stay calm when their eyes locked. Cat instantly opened both eyes, but didn’t make a sound. She held her body still, and he wondered if she did so because she had been hurt.

His heart cracked wide open at the hopelessness he felt when she looked at him with an overwhelming amount of love he didn’t understand. He’d never had someone look at him the way she did.

There wasn’t time to dissect his inner reaction to her overpowering feelings. He stepped forward and pinned his pointy blade against Mud’s throat.

“Set her down easy,” Demon said.

The bald guy turned around at the sound of Demon’s cold voice, but Zion already kicked him down.

“There’s one more, Demon!” Cat shouted before Demon felt the bud of a gun against the back of his head.

“Say hello to my little friend,” the third guy said while Demon felt him cock his gun.

Cat jumped out of Mud’s arms, pushing him against Demon, who stumbled to the side and away from the gun to his head.

Cat didn’t waste any time as she pushed the guy’s arm in the air, causing him to fortunately shoot the roof instead of Demon.

Mud got three blows in, before Demon realized he needed to deal with Mud first before helping out Cat. He turned around and pushed Mud with so much force that the old timer stumbled backwards, tripping over the bald guy who laid on the ground, crying out for his momma while Zion rammed his fists in his torso repeatedly.