Page 31 of Demon

He knew exactly what to say to push her buttons.

"Fuck you!"

Another growl escaped his snarling lips before he glanced down and shouted, "Don’t stop!"

A sharp pain pierced her heart as she watched the man who she held upon a pedestal for the past seven years climax in the whore's mouth just to prove a fucking point.

The blonde moaned around Demon's shaft, and the shells finally fell from Cat's eyes. Why would she put up with any of this shit?

Enough was enough.

He clearly ran away from their insane connection, shielding whatever's left of his shattered heart by breaking hers.

His dark as night eyes watched realization dawn on her. Demon's face softened in a way she'd never seen before.

"Walk away from me, Cat."

When she didn't move her feet, he turned and slammed his fist through the drywall. The blonde shrieked and bumped into Turtle, who knocked several glasses from the top of the bar as he tried to keep himself upright.


Cat shrugged off Gwenn’s hand on her shoulder. Even though they found out about each other not that long ago, her half sister, Gwenn, might be the only one ballsy enough to actually diffuse the situation.

"The show is over!" Gwenn yelled, raising her beer in the air, causing the bar to burst into cheers. As the president’s Old Lady, people listened when Gwenn talked, but Cat still felt half of the clubhouse’s eyes on her. Cat purposely trained her gaze on Gwenn while she felt Nora’s stare burn a hole in the back of her head. She should have listened to Nora earlier tonight.

Gwenn leaned in and whispered, “Fuck him. If he doesn’t want you, he’s clearly not worthy of you.”

Cat knew this already. Of course, she knew.

People may call her a lot of things behind her back; psychopath, crazy bitch, or black sheep of the family. One thing she’d never been called before was stupid.

Gwenn’s words and a glance around the clubhouse filled with pitiful stares and gleeful gloats made it clear that she had made herself look stupid in front of the entire club. Cat gave Gwenn a brisk nod before she strode out of the clubhouse without a backward glance and her head held high.

This stupid crush needed to be dead and buried already.


Demon pushed his dick back inside of his jeans while he ignored the blonde yapping about going upstairs to his room. He didn’t know why this sweetbutt got it in her head to go down on him since he’d never seen her before, but he went along with it when he saw Cat strutting her stuff on her way over from the other side of the bar.

Those damn gray eyes pierced his blackened soul when she pushed the girl’s head toward his dick. Cat taking control of a textbook example of their messed up life inside IVMC made his dick hard.

It had nothing to do with that other chick.

It wasn’t until Cat’s tongue traced the side of his throat that he finally could let go. Cat challenging him had pushed him over the edge. No matter how hard he pushed Cat away; she still got under his skin like his body and mind were hers to command.

Why couldn’t she just leave well enough alone? Demon had fought Cat at every turn, removing himself from every possible setting that could tempt him to give in to this bizarre pull between them since she was Devlin’s sister.

Except for that one night exactly three years ago.

He’d sworn right then and there he would never touch her again, but there was just no stopping Cat. Demon not only admired her grit, she made him rock-hard with her psycho tendencies, flipping her shit and spiral out of control whenever the mood struck her.

He often lay awake in his clubroom, thinking about making her phenomenal spark flare up before he would fuck things up and dim it.

Because that’s what he did best. He dimmed the light in other people’s eyes just like his sick bastard of a father. Demon tortured and killed with pleasure every time the memories became too much.

Demon had worked his way up in the club in the past two decades. Most brothers drew back in fear whenever he showed his face, and that suited him just fine.

Why couldn’t this bull-headed little girl do the same? He took a deep breath through his nose because Catriona Walker wasn’t little anymore.