Page 24 of Demon

“I already know what this is about, Whirlwind. And the answer is no.”

Cat pouted as she thought of things to say to persuade her friend's father to keep his word.


“You’re not setting a foot in our warehouse.”

“But you said I could finally fight for IVMC once I turned eighteen.”

“He only said that to get your whiny ass off his back,” Mud sneered before he sat down at Annas’ table.

She fought the urge to roll her eyes, since this particular Iron Viking was an unpredictable bastard. Like father, like son. She hoped he didn’t notice her physical reaction as Mud reminded her of the very reason she’d once started taking self-defense classes.

She’d never heard about what happened to Rick after she went home with Devlin and Nora that day. The only thing Devlin told her was that he’d been taken care of.

Cat ignored Mud’s glare as she tried to talk to Annas. “You should see me fight—”

“Get lost and let the grownups talk,” Mud said.

With a last glance at Annas against her better judgment, she turned around since he didn’t even acknowledge her presence. Annas was too busy talking with Silas and Red about who knows what.

“Ignore my dad, Cat. He’s acting a little strange lately,” Amara said while hooking her arm with hers.

“How’s Demi?” Cat asked.

Amara flagged Molly behind the bar to order them a drink. “She called this morning. Miami is the bomb, apparently. She’s not coming back any time soon.”

“Ah, shit. I’m sorry.”

“I get it. Things are… a bit weird home,” Amara said.

“How so?”

Amara opened her mouth to answer Cat, but Molly interrupted and said, “What will it be, Princess?”

Amara ordered two cokes while Cat ignored the busty sweetbutt all together. She hated how the flirty redhead reminded her of what happened outside just an hour ago when Cat deluded herself into believing she had a shot with Demon.

Shame washed over her as she thought about how she’d leaned in and whispered in his ear that she couldn’t stop dreaming about him. Like, why did she have to do that?

It ruined a perfectly hot moment between them as he urged her to describe what his brothers and Molly were getting into just a few feet away from them.

She just had to push her luck and bring up the little fact that she had a crush on him. And her worst fear became reality when he’d ditched her and walked away. She should go out next Friday night, pick up a slightly older guy and ride off into the sunset—preferably on her own motorcycle.

“Hey, did you hear from Demi?” Zeus asked his sister.

Cat left brother and sister and slipped behind the bar. Something had caught her eye, and she just needed to get her hands on it. She ignored Molly, who asked her what the hell she was up to.

Cat pretended to slip and fall, but in reality, she snatched the bottle of ouzo from behind the ice bucket. Everyone knew how Annas kept the good stuff near the sink. Like a thief in the night, she left the clubhouse with a bottle of ouzo in hand.

Devlin and Nora sat with Turtle outside since Nora wasn’t comfortable with brothers openly doing their thing with the sweetbutts inside.

Cat had no interest in joining their group. She never felt sorry for herself, not even after what happened with Rick all those years ago. Tonight, however, something broke inside of her.

She truly believed that she could make him see how good they would be together. Demon just left her sitting alone in the dark, calling her a crazy little girl.

She wanted to be hisTreló korítsi,but he walked away from her, anyway.

Cat passed the spot where Rick grabbed her ponytail before he’d dragged her towards the trees. She knew she broke every rule by walking alone on the property after dark.