Page 20 of Demon

Devlin suddenly closed his mouth, realizing he was about to share something he’d normally classified as ‘club business’, a.k.a. ‘none of her business’.

“What’s wrong?” Nora asked.

“The creep’s father is being an even bigger ass than usual. But I promise you that nothing will happen. I’ll stick with you. And Demon promised to keep an eye out.”

Cat’s heart raced against her chest at the mere mention of Demon.

“The creep’s father… will he be there?” Nora asked.

Cat remembered Mud’s icy stare as his son tried to pull her to the trees at the back of the compound. She felt the same bone-chilling shiver run through her body, thinking back about that day.

“On second thought… Let’s have some drinks at that diner we went three months ago,” Devlin said, noticing the shift in the air.

Cat just wanted to see Demon tonight. She had waited for four long years to finally see him again. At least now, he wouldn’t call her a little girl anymore.

She’d already checked online what the age of consent was and she’d been biding her time until she’d turned seventeen. Only Devlin never invited them over and now another year had gone by.

The dark eyes of the man that had saved her visited her every night in her dreams. She couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when she would show up in her black dress and biker boots tonight.

It wasn’t like she had the biggest boobs out of everyone in her class, but still… Her C-cup girls drew enough attention in a tight shirt for her to know that Demon would surely notice them, too.

Her brother parked his truck to the side of the clubhouse, and Nora and Cat shared a nervous smile. Nora understood what Cat was up to tonight without needing a word. And she knew that there was no talking Cat out of her plan.

By the end of this night, Demon would be hers.


Demon watched Red and Tiny stumble out of the clubhouse, falling over each other and almost taking down Molly with them. The sweetbutt cackled the loudest, strung out on whatever stuff she could get her hands on tonight.

Things were getting out of hand, with brothers walking around high as a kite. He instantly searched for Cat, finding her at one of the picnic tables in the back with her brother and sister. She talked animatedly with her hands while the boisterous laughs of Zeus, Wolf, and Turtle traveled over the courtyard.

Devlin’s need to have his sisters in his life apparently trumped all reason. Demon would never invite his long-lost family to the clubhouse, certainly not with the way things rolled around here nowadays.

Demon struggled to keep in touch with his three younger siblings, still living with his mother. The club was no place for his younger brother and two sisters, though. It was bad enough that Amara and Demi showed up now and then, even though they’d grown up in the club.

Demon pricked the pad of his thumb with his knife as he watched Wolf sweet talk Cat. If Wolf wasn’t his best friend, he would have gone up from his spot in the shadows and slit his throat.

Demon pushed his blade forward and sighed as the cool blade pierced his skin. His index finger swept the warm blood over his thumb while his gaze zeroed in on the scene across the courtyard.

Wolf fucked without discrimination ever since he’d lost his virginity at fourteen to a sweetbutt twice his age. Maybe that’s why watching him casually sling his arm around Cat made Demon’s head pound.

Zion sat down next to Demon, his broad back jarring the garage bay door behind them.

“You okay?”

Demon glared at his friend. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

Zion nudged his chin toward Demon’s bleeding hand. Demon glanced down in bewilderment, since he hadn’t even realized he’d sliced through several parts of skin.

Demon licked his blood from the cuts. “It’s nothing.”


Demon’s nostrils flared as he took a deep breath through his nose. “Okay. Spit it out, brother.”

“I’ve been noticing a few things tonight, that’s all,” Zion said.

“Like what?”