And I am not known to.

Giving up has never been an option for me, and even more in this case. Sure, Jen is making this difficult, but I know I can sway her. I always find a way. Besides, I’ve read her profile. I know she can pull this off.

Jen turns her gaze back to me and gives me a pointed look. “I know what you’re trying to do. Will you just spit it out already? You knew that throwing out that line about Travis would get me here. What happened?”

I hesitate. “Travis is out of prison.”

It’s the last ace I have up my sleeve, and I hope it’s enough to lure Jen back in. If the murder of a former colleague and a chance for revenge aren’t enough to motivate her, I have to pray that helping her friend stay safe is.

Jen’s grip on the mug tightened. “How the hell did he get out?”

“We have reason to believe he’s part of the mob. We’re still investigating, but it looks like an inside job. When you asked me to make sure he couldn’t get out, I scrutinized him and discovered the ties.”

Jen sets her mug down with a little more force than necessary, causing some of the liquid to slosh over. “”

“We just got the intel a few days ago. We have a small window of opportunity here to get you back in their good graces and strike them where it hurts. Travis is pissed which makes him reckless, so he shouldn’t be an issue for you. This is a good chance for us to throw you into the mix and take advantage of the chaos.”

Jen sucks in a harsh breath and some of the color drains from her face. “I really don’t like this. Travis, chaos, mob. Three things that rarely mix well.”

“Which is why we have to move now.”

Jen’s expression hardens and she shakes her head. It’s clear this whole ordeal is really bothering her, and the news about Travis is making it worse.

“Look,” I say, bringing her attention back to me. “I know this is a fucked-up situation and things should never have gotten this far.”

“Is there a but in there somewhere?”

My lips lift into the ghost of a smile. “But you have the chance to make things right. To bring some very dangerous people down, including Travis.”

Jen leans back against the booth and blows out a breath. “Are you absolutely sure it’s the same Travis? I always knew he was a piece of shit…”

In one quick move, I rise to my feet and move to sit next to her, ensuring that if anyone is watching us, it looks relaxed.

As if it’s something we usually did.

Jen’s eyebrows draw together, but she scooches aside, leaving room for me to sit. Underneath the table, our knees touch, sending little pinpricks of desire racing up and down my spine. I drop an arm over the back of the booth and clench the other into a fist at my side. When I lean in, Jen’s eyes widen, and she holds her breath.

“He’s a capo,” I whispered into her ear. “So, I don’t think I need to tell you what a big deal that is.”

Jen swallows and her hands flutter to her lap. “How did I not know this? I never even heard him mentioned.”

“Some names aren’t freelymentionedin the general circles, but everyone knows who he is,” I murmur, trying to ignore the scent of vanilla and citrus that lingered on her skin. “His family goes back generations.”

Jen lets out a deep breath and glances up at me.

I can see every individual eyelash, and I see the fear lingering in the depth of her eyes. She releases another breath and clears her throat. “Simone isn’t going to take this well when I tell her.”

I nod and draw back, catching the flicker of disappointment as it moves across her face. “You guys did really well to put him behind bars in the first place.”

Jen laces her fingers together and stares straight ahead. “If we hadn’t met Bennett when we did…Then.”

I reach for my own drink and take a few sips, but it does nothing to ease the dryness in my throat.

Or the pounding of my heart in my ears.

I am playing with fire, and I don’t care.

“Bennett showed up at the right time,” I agree, in a low voice. “But he’s not going to be able to do much now that Travis knows who he is.”