“Home baby, I want to go home.” He starts the car before taking my hand in his.

“Anything for you.” He lifts my knuckles to his lips, kissing them softly.

He drives me home, where we just lay in bed as one person. His arms wrapped around me as if making a safe cocoon. Tomorrow we will have to deal with Ronnie, but today this is what I need.


When I woke up this morning, he was still sleeping. I tried to slide out of his grip to go to the bathroom, but as soon as I moved, a sharp pain shot through my body, and I yelled out. “Ahhh!”

Reese shoots up out of bed, pulling me back against him. “Baby, are you okay?! Did I hurt you?!” he spins me around slowly as he looks over my body and checks for any visible new damage.

“I’m fine. I just tried to get up too quickly.” I try to cross my legs. I might pee myself having this conversation. “I have to pee.”

“Let me help you.” He picks me up and carries me to the bathroom. I'm sure it was just because he didn't want me to walk, but it also had to do with the fact that I was about to pee my pants.

“You know I need to learn how to do things on my own right?” I raise my eyebrow as he sets me down to my feet.

“Why would you do that when you have a God like me to do it for you?” I try to laugh, but it hurts too bad. He helps me remove my pants before turning back to the door.

“Do you need anything before I walk out?” He asks as he takes one last glance at me.

“Will you get me my meds and water?” I stand there awkwardly as I wait for him to speak.

“I will be right back with them.” He exits the bathroom leaving me in peace to finally let out the water that has taken over my bladder.

The pain is lighter than it was, but it still hurts when I do certain things. I want to be able to do these things on my own again soon, and pushing through the pain is the only way. I slowly stand up as I pull up my pants. It takes me twice as long, but it's okay because I'm doing it on my own.

I make my way into the room, keeping my steady pace as I brace myself with the walls. The pain starts to fade away as I keep my pace.

Reese walks in at the same time as me and starts to smile when he sees me walking on my own. “You are doing great, baby. Do you need my help?”

“I’m fine right now. Did you bring my meds?” I stop in my place, catching my breath to ask him.

“I have them right here” He shakes the bag with my meds and a bottle of water in his hand. “But I think you may have forgotten something first.” A menacing grin spreads across his face.

“And what would that be?” I tap my finger on my lips to act like I am thinking. His growl tells me precisely what it does to him.

“Come here and find out.” He throws the bag to the bed holding his arms open for me.

I slowly walk over to him until I'm within his reach. He grabs the sides of my hips, balancing me as he pulls my body against his. He moves one hand to lift my chin and looks into my eyes. His lips press against mine as his tongue dives in between them. A war starts in our mouths between our tongues, making all my pain fade away.

“Baby, I could kiss your lips forever, but I need to calm down. You need to heal, and I don’t want to hurt you.” He lays his forehead against mine, mixing our love for one another.

“Two more days is the best I can do. Then you're mine; I’ll deal with the pain.” I step away from him, walking closer to the bed to grab my meds and water.

“Whatever you say, baby.” He shakes his head, following behind me.

A moment of silence stretched between us as I thought about how to start this conversation. I need to know the plans for Ronnie and where we all stand. I want him dead for all he has done to me. Would my conscience be able to stand that, though?

“We need to talk about Ronnie.” Thankfully he beats me to the punch bringing up the subject before I can even think about it.

“What do we do? I figured he was already dead.” I sit on the bed, looking at the water in my hands. Do I want him dead? Yes. Do I want to see a man's life leave his body? No. Will I do it to protect not only myself but all of those I love? Without a second thought.

“No, I told you, Rose. This is all your decision.” I nod, not trusting my voice right now. I decide his fate in this world, and that is terrifying.

“I need to speak to him, Reese. I need closure for this part of my past. I need to know why he did the things he did.” He closes his eyes but not out of anger. He understands my reason for speaking to Ronnie; I know this is his way of coping with it.

“When do you want to go?” He asks as he opens his eyes. His blue eyes turned gray like a stormy cloud as he stared into mine.