I shake my head, and my mood changes instantly. “Oh really? Well, aren’t you just so sure of yourself? I guess I will stay one night.” My tone is teasing but full of hope. What hope, though, I’m not sure.

“Just one night?” He raises an eyebrow as if questioning my statement.

“Just one, Reese,” I say softly, but inside I wish I could stay more than one. I feel I need to be by him, but I know I can’t. I know I’m not the woman he wants or the woman he desires.

- Reese -

Why can’t I seem to stay away? Why can’t I just let her find a better man than me? Why do I want to lock her away and keep her safe with me?

So many questions run through my head as I led her to the room I offered her. Her petite frame would fit so well with my large one. Her soft voice is already like a voice of reason to me. I feel as though if she told me to change my entire life for her, I would. I would do anything she asked of me.

She enters the room and closes the door behind her, and I feel my palms become sweaty. Every time she is around me, I feel nervous. For the first time in my life, I have found a woman I want in mine, but she feels off-limits.

Why does she have to be Anita’s daughter?

Why can’t our lives be different and she be mine?

Chapter 6

- Rose -

While getting dressed, I can only think about Reese and what he makes me feel whenever I’m around him. The mixture of confusion and desire. Fires burn and make me feel things that were once extinguished by past burns. I can’t act on anything, though. My mother would never allow it.

A few light knocks at my door, and I’m snapped back to what I’m doing. Since I’m not at my mom's house, I can prepare adequately before work. For once, I don't have to change when I get there. Reese has seen me in these outfits more than I can count, so what’s one more?

I open the door, and his jaw nearly hits the floor. His eyes become saucers. An outsider might think this is the first time he has seen me this way. I would be lying if I said the way he stares at me doesn't light up my insides.

“Put your eyes back in their sockets and close your mouth before a fly gets in. It’s not the first time you have seen me this way.” I walk past him shaking my ass just a little bit. Not enough to distract him entirely but enough to pull his attention.

“Yeah, but not in my house. I think this is the best sight I've ever seen here. Damn, you look good.” After he says it, he sucks in a breath as if he admires everything I am showing him.

I turn back around, and our eyes lock—the lust inside of his pours into mine. My insides quiver from his gaze, but I school my face to remain calm. Passion filling us both, I take a step forward but then remember the words my mother has told me many times. The realization that maybe he is just trying to make me feel better after tonight’s events make me shake my head.

“I’m not the best to look at, Reese. I’m aware of that and don’t need to be reminded. My tattoos make me unattractive as a woman, and I honestly don’t care. I love myself, and I don’t need you to put on an act so you can stop.” I look away as I say my peace with it before I crash down and feel the sting of my own words.

Confusion strikes his features before his response comes through. “What are you talking about? Rose, you are a fucking goddess. Your body is fantastic, and the tattoos just add to the beauty, in my opinion. Whoever said different is crazy.” His facial features go soft with sympathy.

I shake my head, still not wanting him to see my internal pain from it all. I open and shut my mouth several times before finally gathering my courage to let the words spill. “My mother has said guys don’t find women with tattoos attractive. It’s been burned into my brain that I’ll never find a man. I’m okay with that as long as I love myself. I have been doing perfectly with just me.” I look up at him for a moment holding all emotions back inside of me.

“That’s no way to live. I’m sorry you have been going through that. Your mom has always been so sweet to me. She has never said anything bad about my tattoos, which shocks me.” Reese’s words are so full of emotion that I can't place a single one.

I shake my head, wishing my life was different.

I wish I had my mother's love and affection as many others do. “ Yeah, well, you’re not her daughter. Rachel is the perfect daughter. She wears the dresses, does her hair and make-up daily, and she does whatever my mom asks of her.” Factual statements and words leave my lips. I feel the pain they cause.

“She isn’t perfect, you know. Doing those things to make your mother happy will only cause Rachel to resent her and rebel one day. She will start going behind her back to live the life she wants.” He says it honestly.

I scoff. “She already does. I have covered her ass so many times it's almost unreal.”

“Then you already know she isn’t perfect.” He offers a little smile, but I can see it's forced.

“Just because I don’t think she is perfect doesn’t mean my mother sees it that way. Her opinion of my life doesn’t matter. I love who I am, perfect or not.” Confidence laces my words of true feelings.

He nods his head, and his mischievous smile starts to grow once more. “I think you are damn close.” he says with sincerity.

In return, I gave him a genuine smile and let my gratitude spill from my lips. “Thank you for listening to me and making me feel better. You didn’t have to do that, but I truly appreciate it.”

“Anything to help a beautiful woman such as yourself to see her true beauty.” His voices charming, and his flirtatious tone makes me feel weak in the knees.