“I will never feel pressured, baby. You are all I want in my life.” I peck her lips again before deciding to change the subject. “The guys are in the kitchen, wanting to know how you are. Would you like to see them?”
She nods her head with a smile. I can see My rose coming back into my sight. She will make it out of this even more robust than before.
We both stand up, but I don't let her move much more. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the kitchen. Just the way she calms down in my arms tells me she feels safe around all of us. I will always be there for her, supporting her in everything she chooses to do.
Chapter 27
- Rose -
Reese carried me into the kitchen, and I swear just his hold on me made me feel like nothing will ever break me again. He sat me down at the table, and both guys grinned. I don't feel uncomfortable with them around either, which is a new feeling.
“There she is!” Matty leaned back in his chair and threw his arm over the back corner looking at me.
“How are you feeling?” Trigger leans forward with his arms crossed on the table. They are so different from one another.
“Well, I feel rough, but you should see the other guy.” The three of us start laughing, and although it causes me pain, I keep going.
“Lord have mercy.” Reese puts his hand over his face, hiding and smuggling his laugh. This feels so right.
“I like her, Reese. She has a sense of humor.” Matty points his thumb toward me with a big smile.
“Stay away,” he says sternly, narrowing his eyes toward Matty.
“Who knows, maybe one day we can find that too.” Trigger spins his finger on the table. I can see the lost look in his eyes as his breath hitches.
“I don't know about that. Have you seen your ugly mug?” He nudges Trigger with his elbow as he teases him.
“Hey, now both of you will find someone. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet them soon.” I interject, making them both smile. This feels so natural and almost like a small family of my own.
“Sweetheart, I kill for a living. I don’t think any woman wants to be around that.” Trigger says while sitting back in his chair, copying Matty’s movements. Maybe they aren't so different after all.
“I’m wounded, not just literally, either.” I start to laugh, causing a ripple effect of laughter among us.
“Okay, Everyone, relax. You two dipshits will find someone someday who is just as significant to you as Rose is to me.” He interlocks his hands and fingers with mine as he looks into my eyes. “Someone you can't imagine a day without.” I don't need to hear those three words to know how much he loves me. I can see them in the way he looks at me.
The three of them laugh together. Their friendship is something I have always craved in my life but have never been lucky enough to experience. Now that I have handled the demons of my past, I may find that as well.
My phone breaks the voices. I pick it up to see my mom flash across my screen. “Hey, mom.” I answered with confidence.
“Hey, sweetie.” For once, I hear the love and pride in her voice as she speaks to me. “How are you feeling?”
“I'm in pain, but I'm managing.” I look around and see all eyes on me as I speak. “How are you?”
“Good, Damian and I wanted to ask you and Reese to dinner if you feel up for it.” She sounds rushed. I wonder what is going on.
“Yeah, that sounds great.” “Send me the details, and we will meet you there.” She agrees, and we both hang up. If smiles made a sound, I'm sure we would both be hearing them now.
“Is everything okay?” Reese asks with a concerned voice.
I put my hand on his jaw and rub my thumb against his bottom lip. “I think my mom is trying, Reese.” He raises an eyebrow in question. “She asked us to go to dinner tonight.”
“That's so great, baby.” I can't explain how it feels to know she cares deeply about me. “Just don't let your guard down too much, okay?” He says with a soft, loving tone.
“I know.” I kiss his lips with heated passion between us. We may not be able to do anything quite yet, but I can still tease him. I bite his lip, and his grip on my waist tightens as he growls in frustration and needs. “Well, boys, I need to go get ready. It was good seeing you. Maybe try coming over more often. This one needs a good laugh from time to time.”
The sounds of their laughter make my heart swell in size. This is what I have been missing my whole life. I stand up from the chair, slowly giving Reese one more kiss before I exit the kitchen and go to our room to get ready.
- Reese -