Page 79 of Corrupt Princess

“Fuck that, Nico.” She waves me off. “You can make it up to me now.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask, mimicking her stance and crossing my arms over my chest.

“Take me with you, wherever you’re going.” Her eyes hold mine, her fire burning brightly within their green depths. They’re just like Theo’s, only a little less cold and closed off. Although, not by much. Everything I’ve warned her older brother about stands. She is going to be a fucking nightmare.

“How do you know I’m going anywhere?”

“You were tracking someone. I’m pretty sure you’re not content with watching whoever it was through your phone.”

My teeth grind, because she’s right.

“You want to go see her, I can see it in your eyes.”

“Her?” I ask naïvely.

“I know you’re fucking Miss Andrews, Nico. Don’t insult me.”

“Jesus,” I mutter, scrubbing my hand down my face.

“And unless you want me to go out there shouting it from the rooftops, then you need to take me with you.”

“You wouldn’t.” Honestly, it doesn’t really matter if she does. No one is going to do fuck all about it. The boss will make sure of that. But even still, I don’t actually want the rest of the staff here to know what Brianna is up to in her spare time, or not right now, as the case may be. I might have wanted to scare her into proving herself as loyal to the Cirillos, but I never would have tarnished her reputation by allowing every member of staff under this roof to be aware of the fact she’s been fucking one of her students.

“You want to risk it?” Rhea asks, quirking her brow.

Silence falls around us as her challenge rings in my ears.

“Why are you even in here?” I ask, narrowing my eyes. It’s no secret that Rhea isn’t Knight’s Ridge’s most dedicated and courteous student.

“None of your business,“ she hisses, although a wicked smirk threatens. Whatever she did to earn herself lunchtime in Mrs. Hendrix’s office, she’s damn proud of.

I’m almost scared to find out.

“And how do you think Mrs. Hendrix will take your running off when you’re meant to be here doing time for your misdemeanours?”

“I have no idea. But I figure that’s your issue now. Family emergency seems like the easiest excuse, don’t you think, cuz?”

“You’re a fucking pain in the arse, Rhea Cirillo.”

“And here I was thinking you had a soft spot for strong, independent women.”

“Yeah, not my fucking cousin though, kid.”

I march toward the door, aware that she’s going to follow me.

But the longer we stand here arguing, the more likely we’re going to be caught, or that Brianna and Jodie will get bored shopping and head somewhere else.

“Well, that was easier than I was expecting,” Rhea muses behind me.

My teeth grind, but I don’t stop her. It’s not worth it.

“If you tell your brother about this, I’ll—”

“Threaten me all you like, Nico. I have nothing to hide.”

“Oh no. What about that hickey on your neck?”

I glance back just in time to see her hand lift to cover the very faint mark that should be hidden by her school shirt, should she be wearing it correctly. Which of course she’s fucking not.