Page 35 of Corrupt Princess

“Him. I popped in a couple of times overnight. He was just lying there, watching you sleep. It was the sweetest thing.”

“Nico doesn’t do sweet, so you can get that thought out of your head right now.”

She sighs as she sets to work on washing all the grime out of my hair with the finesse of a damn good hairdresser.

“Every guy can do sweet for the right girl, Brianna.”

“Then I’m not the right girl. What Nico and I have, it’s… toxic. Hence, how we ended up here.”

“It was an accident,” she argues, having probably heard the bullshit they’re all spewing about what happened.


“The way he looks at you, Brianna, there is no way he’d ever do anything to hurt you.”

“Trust me, Maria, you don’t know him like I do. Hurting me is his favourite hobby.” Her fingers still in my hair. “Oh shit, no. Not like that. You don’t need to be calling the cops on him or anything. He’s just a dickhead boy who only thinks with his cock.”

“If you look a little deeper, you might find there’s more to him than that.”

“Yeah, a fuck load of hurt and anger that he tries to hide from the world.”

“But you’ve seen it. Doesn’t that tell you something?”

“Yeah, that I’m a fucking fool who can’t help myself. If only he was useless in bed,” I muse, much to her amusement. “You’re enjoying this too much.”

“Not at all. But you weren’t wrong earlier. I am a hopeless romantic, and I always root for the bad boys, because it’s true what they say. They can be tamed, but only by the right woman.”

I look over my shoulder and narrow my eyes at her.

“You’ve got a bad boy, haven’t you?”

She chuckles. “Yep, he wears a cut and rides a motorcycle.”

I shake my head. “Reaper?”

“I had a suspicion you might have heard of them.”

“I guess that explains why you’re willing to treat all these twisted motherfuckers.”

“That’s my life in a nutshell,” she laughs. “I think you’re done here. Ready to go and deal with your bad boy?”

“No, not really.”

“Well, you’ve got a few hours to make a decision, then I’m getting you discharged and you’ll be able to lock him out of your life if you want.”

“If only it were that easy.”

“If he fights for you, you know he’s the one.”

“Or he’s as blinded by my pussy as I am his dick.”

Maria laughs. “If it doesn’t work out, you’d fit right in with the Reapers.”

“I think having one corrupt organisation in my life is enough. Thanks, though.”

“I can see why you and Emmie are friends.”

“Did you see her yesterday?”