Page 27 of Corrupt Princess

“Shit,” he hisses, averting his eyes as he pushes his fingers through his bedraggled hair, dragging it back from his brow. “Nothing. Forget I said anything.”

Refusing to look at me, he keeps his eyes locked on my bed.

“I’m not going anywhere, and I literally have nothing else to do if you need an ear. You know I can keep secrets.”

Finally, he looks up at me, but just as his lips part, the door opens.

“Brianna, what a sight for sore eyes,” Seb sings with a wide smile.

Alex breathes a sigh of relief that he’s been saved from having to tell me anything as Theo follows Seb into the room to greet me.

I keep my eyes on the door for a beat too long, cluing them all into what I’m thinking.

“He’s not coming. A nurse turned up to give him an intimate wash,” Theo laughs.

“She looked fucking terrifying, I’m not sure I’d want her anywhere near any of my intimate parts,” Seb adds as he hops up on the end of my bed while Theo takes the cot Toby and Jodie were in.

All three of them study me as if I’m about to offer to go and wash Nico’s balls.

“So you lot couldn’t be bothered to shower before visiting, huh?”

“We thought you’d be missing us too much to care,” Seb says, squeezing my ankle in support.

“Not sure I’d quite say that.”

The three of them fall into easy conversation around me. To start with, I join in, offering a few words here and there, but eventually, my eyelids start getting heavy again and I have no choice but to close them.

“We should go,” Theo says, noticing that I’m half asleep.

“No,” I say, reaching my hand out for someone but also no one at the same time. “Stay. I like having company.”

“The girls are heading over in a bit. They’ve been at Mickey’s.”

“Great, so they’re going to turn up as sweaty as you three then.”

“Here’s hoping,” Seb says, and without opening my eyes, I can picture the shit-eating grin on his face as he rubs his hands together in delight.


“Takes one to know one. I know what you’ve been doing in the lift of our building, Miss Andrews.”

My eyes pop open just in time to see Theo smack him around the back of the head.

“He didn’t,” I breathe, although I’m not sure why I bother because of course he fucking has.

“Uh…” Alex starts, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. To be fair to him, he’s the only one who has the decency to look any kind of embarrassed about it.

“Oh come off it. You literally fucked right in front of Toby and Jodie the night you met,” Seb announces. “You don’t have a shy bone in your body.”

“Maybe not, but I like to be the one who chooses what to show others. Don’t tell me, you’ve seen the videos from the library too?”

Silence falls around the room as the three of them stare back at me in shock.

“The library?” Seb asks, looking half shocked and half impressed.

“Fucking hell,” I mutter. “I should just let you leave.”

“What did Nico do to you in the library, Bri?” Alex asks eagerly, sliding to the edge of the chair in his excitement to hear the answer.