Page 25 of Corrupt Princess

He comes closer and, much to my shock, leans over and drops a kiss to my forehead.

“Glad you’re okay, Bri,” he says quietly before lowering his arse to the spare seat.

“Apparently, I’ll be right and rain in a few days, with just some kick-arse scars as a forever reminder of what a dickhead Nico is.”

Alex snorts a laugh. “Like he’d ever let us forget that, anyway.”

The urge to ask how he is sits right on the tip of my tongue, just like it did when Toby returned from his room earlier, but I swallow it down. I shouldn’t care.

“He’s okay, Bri,” he says, making me question whether those words fell from my lips without my knowledge. Damn drugs. “I can see you want to ask.”

My mouth opens to tell him that I don’t, but he talks before I get a chance.

“He’s in there trying to remember what made him lose his shit.”

“Oh,” I sigh. It’s something every single one of my visitors has asked me in the past few hours. But as of yet, I haven’t uttered a word about what made him go nuclear.

Alex knows the truth, though.

He’s the only other person in this friendship group who does.

“Jojo?” I ask. “Is there any chance you could go and get me one of those iced frappes from the coffee shop? My throat is raw as fuck.”

“Yeah, of course,” she agrees, scrambling from Toby’s lap at the chance of doing something useful. “Do you need anything else?”

I open my mouth to respond but quickly close it again.

“Anything,” Jodie urges.

“Okay. Could you get me the frappe? Then go home, shower, and take some time for yourselves. But before you come back, could you swing by my place?”

Guilt washes through her expression. “Shit, I should have already got your things.”

“Jojo, it’s okay. You’ve been here. I can’t ask for anything else. But I’m okay. Alex will keep me company for a bit, won’t you?” I say, shooting him a look.

“Of course. And I’m sure the others will find their way in here when they’ve stopped berating Nico next door.”

My stomach knots as I think about him being so close.

“We’ll keep him out if you don’t want him in here, Bri. You don’t need to worry about him.”

“I’m not,” I lie. Although I’m not sure if I’m more worried about him than I am seeing him. And I hate him even more because of that.

“Is there anything you specifically want?” Jodie asks, dragging my mind back to the task at hand.

I rattle a few things off that I want including my dressing down, slippers, clean underwear and facial products. I’m pretty sure she’ll nail it, though.

Silence falls when they finally walk out and it’s not until the door is securely closed behind them that Alex finally speaks.

“He found out, didn’t he?”

I swallow nervously before confirming what he already knows.

“Yeah. Calli went for a scan—”

“She had a bit of bleeding and Daemon was freaking the fuck out,” he supplies helpfully.

“She sent me a photo of it. Nico picked up my phone and it was right there with her name. He lost his shit. Dragged me out, threw me in his car and took off like a lunatic. He wasn’t drunk, though, like they’ve told him he was.”