Page 20 of Corrupt Princess

What then?

What will happen if she does walk away?

Like she should have done weeks, if not months, ago, a little voice says in my head.

A loud growl rips from my throat at the same time Toby pushes back into the room.

“Things are going well, huh?”

I let out a sigh as the sound of him cleaning up my mess hits my ears.

Guilt floods me, but I make no effort to move as the glass clinks as he sweeps it up.

“She kicked me out,” I confess.

“Can’t say I’m surprised, man.”

“I just… I just want to know what happened. I can’t remember anything.”

“And that’s why you’re pissed? Because she won’t explain?”

“Yeah,” I agree with a wince.

“You’re so full of shit.” He moves around behind me, dumping the glass into the bin and righting other bits of the room. “There is nothing wrong with caring about her, worrying about her.”

“I know that,” I scoff, my fingers wrapping around the arm of the chair with a forceful grip.

“Sure you do.”

Silence falls between us as he continues tidying up before he lowers his arse to the chair opposite mine and places a coffee and panini on the small table between us.

The second I see it, my stomach growls loudly.

“Thought you’d be hungry.”

“Janice is withholding food,” I mutter, needing to blame someone else.

“She probably decided that you deserved it. Where’s Calli?”

“I sent her home. She was wiped.”

“Hardly surprising. What happened with Brianna?”

“She woke up, got pissed at me and made me leave.”

He stares at me, searching my eyes for the truth he knows I’m withholding.

“I apologised. She wouldn’t hear it,” I confess painfully.

The last thing I expect him to do is throw his head back and bark out a laugh.

“What?” I demand, confused as fuck.

“She’s lying in a hospital bed, Nico. Turning up looking like shit and telling her that you’re sorry for being a total fucking idiot isn’t going to get you anywhere.”

“She saw my arse, too.”

“Fucking hell,” he mutters, scrubbing his hand down his face. “I swear to God, if you offered to let her suck your—”