Page 129 of Corrupt Princess

“So, how’s your favourite sex pest?” Jodie asks, changing the subject.

“He’s… Nico,” I say with a laugh as way of explanation.

“So, is this it? Are you actually together or—”

“Yeah,” a deep voice growls from behind me. “We’re together. Done deal. Isn’t that right, babe?”

His shadow falls over me, but I don’t turn to look at him before Jodie squeals, “Nico Cirillo, put your cock away right this second.”

At her words, I twist around faster. Exactly as I was expecting, he’s standing there bold as brass and as naked as the day he was born, with his already erect cock in his hand, something I appreciate the hell out of. My best friend, though, not so much.

“Aw, Jojo, don’t be sad,” he teases. “I know Toby’s is small, but he can totally make up for it with effort and a sex toy or two.”

I bark out a laugh while Jodie fumes on the other end.

“Yeah, I’m gonna go. You enjoy that, Bri. And call me if you need me.”

My phone is snatched out of my hand before I get a chance to say goodbye.

“Hey,” I complain, watching as Nico blows Jodie a kiss and cuts the call.

He throws it onto the other end of the sofa and stares down at me with heated, slightly unsure eyes.

“You’d gone,” he says, those two words fully explaining that unusual look.

“I needed to pee,” I explain. “Then I came for coffee and… I wanted you to rest.” I shrug, feeling weirdly shy under his intense stare.

“Is what you said to Jodie true?” he asks cryptically, forcing me to wrack my brain for what we talked about. It’s easier said than done while he’s slowly stroking his cock right in front of me.

“Umm… which part?” I ask, shamelessly watching him.

“About you being okay.”

“Oh, not about you being a sex pest?” I ask, suddenly remembering something he must have overheard.

“We already know that’s true,” he teases, bringing his mouth-watering body closer.

Uncurling my legs from beneath me, I place my feet on the floor, more than ready to go to him.

“Brianna,” he warns, forcing me to rip my eyes from his cock in favour of his face.

It’s his fault. If he wanted to have a serious conversation, he really should have come out here fully dressed. Or pulled on a pair of boxers at minimum.

“I’m okay,” I whisper, feeling the intensity of his stare right down to my soul.

“Don’t lie to me. If—”

“I’m not, I promise. I’m not thinking about it. But when I do, if I need to talk, I’ll talk.”

He nods once, accepting my words. “I’ve been there, remember? I know how it feels to do what you did last night.”

“Maybe we can compare notes one day.”

“Yeah, maybe,” he muses. “So, if you’re not thinking about that, what are you thinking about?”

I let my eyes trail back down his body, taking in every sculpted muscle, indent and ridge of his impressive chest and stomach until I trace his V lines to his hard cock.

“You really need to ask?”