Page 127 of Corrupt Princess

Once I’m happy I’ve got his delicious arse from every angle possible, I tiptoe out of the room and close the door behind me.

I walk around every room in his penthouse, taking in every ounce of Nico that I can.

I might have been here a few times now, but I’ve never seen behind most of the doors. I might have had full access to his body, but his life, his home, was always different.

Back then, I would never have dreamt of snooping. But things are different now, or at least to me, they feel different.

Suddenly, I don’t feel like a part that doesn’t fit in his home. Like a piece of furniture that doesn’t belong.

How quickly everything has changed makes my head spin. But then, I guess two near-death experiences in a week will do that to you.

Both of us were so lucky to walk away from that collision last weekend, but even more so last night.

I close the door to his office, a room I didn’t even know he had, and make my way back to the kitchen.

I find a coffee pod and drop it into his machine before hunting the cupboards for a mug.

I bark out a laugh when one with a cartoon dinosaur catches my eyes.

Written around the cute little character is ‘don’t be a cuntasauras’.

Definitely something Alex bought.

My thoughts linger to the only single member of the group, and I can’t help but wonder what he got up to last night. There’s a good chance he just went downstairs to his flat, grabbed a tub of Vaseline and got jiggy alone. But if he did push through the exhaustion of the night, where would he have gone? A club? For some reason, I can’t see it.

Shaking thoughts of him from my head, I grab my steaming mug and my phone from the counter before opening Nico’s floor-to-ceiling glass wall and getting comfortable on his outside sofa in the shade.

The heat of the summer day wraps around me like a warm hug, making me wish I was abroad somewhere dressed in only a bikini and about to hit the beach.


I take a sip of my coffee and just relax.

Everyone is okay and we’re safe here.

If I learned anything last night, it’s that this building is one of the most protected in the city. I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise, really. The next generation of the Cirillo Family lives here. Something tells me that they’re protected even more fiercely than the current leaders. They’re the future; they hold all the power.

It blows my mind to think of what the future holds for these guys. On one hand, they’re just normal teenage boys. Okay, so insanely wealthy and good-looking teenage boys. But on the other, they’re these important, formidable mafia soldiers. Some days, it’s really hard to marry the two together. But then there are times like last night when they all walked into that hotel suite covered in blood and dirt like they’d been to war, and it becomes so much easier to understand it all.

They’re like me, only way more dangerous.

I can be Brianna the party girl who will hook up with any guy who gives me the right kind of look at the same time as being the sensible teacher who stands in front of a room full of impressionable teenagers and tries to teach them how to be decent human beings.

Two entirely different personalities can co-exist.

My phone buzzes beside me, dragging me from my thoughts, and the second I find Jodie’s name waiting for me, I unlock it and read her message.

Best Bitch: Morning! How’s your head and vag? Spinning and sore?

I snort out a very unattractive laugh.

Bri: Couldn’t say it better myself. Can you talk?

Best Bitch: Give me five and I’ll call you.

Lowering my phone, I lose myself in my own head once more as I sip my coffee, and before I know it, my phone is ringing with an incoming video call from my girl.

“Hey,” I say after swiping the screen and holding it in front of me.