Page 42 of Marrying Sin

“Thank you. We are about to get underway. If you need anything, my co-pilot, Shane, will be more than happy to assist you.”

“Thank you.” Ivy smiled as the woman left through the door towards the cockpit. “This plane is huge!” she exclaimed, eyes widening once more.

“If you’re impressed by that, wait until I show you the bedroom.” He chuckled as her eyes widened, her head pivoting to look behind her to see another door, a deep rumbling sound that made her toes curl despite the fact his humour came from the expression of shock she felt morphing her face.

The plane had a bedroom?

The take-off was smooth, and before she knew it, Miles had unbuckled her seatbelt, planting a chaste kiss on her cheek as he leaned over her.

“The toilet is just there. You may take it out and clean it.” An uneasiness washed over her as she wondered how such a feat would be possible in the dress she was wearing. How did anyone pee, let alone do other things, in this kind of dress? There was a reason she’d not eaten or drunk very much today, and that reason was pushing at her bladder right now. “Come on, I’ll help.” That smile again, the one that sent her heart a flutter, went straight to her knees, weakening them as she tried to stand, her fingers grasping the back of the warm leather for that extra bit of support.

After helping her out of the skirt, Miles waited for her in the bedroom. She spent longer than needed freshening up, a strange nervousness tickling her stomach. This was ridiculous. Why was she nervous? She’d done anything and everything with the man waiting for her in the bedroom, so why was this any different?

She secured her stockings, looking at herself in the mirror once more, before struggling back into the skirt portion of her dress. Pulling and tugging the unbelievable weight of the garment into place seemed an impossible task. It felt like nothing as she walked, but it was an unending battle trying to lift it back and get those fiddly little hooks in place. Her fingers shook as she tried to attach the hooks and eyes, until she gave up, having secured most of them. Besides, with all the twisting and effort, she was undoing one for every one she managed to fasten and her muscles burned from the effort.

Her hand hovered over the door handle for a few long seconds before she stepped inside. She had barely a moment to recognise the hunger in his eyes before his mouth slammed against hers, claiming her in a kiss so full of passion and need her knees buckled the second his arm slid around her back, pulling her towards him. Thank God for his strength, because she was putty in his arms.

“I need you, my beautiful wife,” he whispered in her ear as she fisted his shirt in her hand. His kisses trailed across her jaw to find her mouth once more, each brush of his lips like wildfire against her skin, igniting her, consuming her from the inside out until her body trembled.

His fingertips traced the silky contours of her dress, releasing with ease the hooks she’d found so hard to fasten, before tangling in the lace-up back of the corset. Within seconds she was standing in nothing but the lacy underwear chosen and made with him in mind. “You’re wearing too many clothes,” she whispered against his lips as he kissed her with fervour. Her hands slipped up his shoulders to the bow tie, pulling it loose, using it to hold him in place, next to her lips, before her eager fingertips traced the sheer fabric of his shirt, finding the buttons. Her fingers shook like a nervous teen as she unbuttoned them slowly, one by one, not fast enough. But she wouldn’t ruin his shirt with her impatience. Not today, no matter how sexy the thought of tearing it from him was.

With it conquered, at last, she slid her hand inside to his chest, savouring the heat she felt radiating from him, the ripple of his physique as she caressed the firm muscles, before she gripped the shirt, pulling it free from his trousers, sliding it down his shoulders. He turned them towards the bed, as her fingers unfastened his belt, sliding down his trousers and boxers, her lips leaving his for but a few precious seconds as she undressed him by touch and need, nipping his lip each time he pulled away a fraction.

His hand slid between her legs, cupping her so hard it rekindled every need to come she’d pushed down. Desire pulsed with a life of its own, stealing her breath, her mind telling her if she didn’t come soon, she’d never breathe again.

The wall pressed against her back as his thigh slipped between hers to spread her legs, his fingers sliding inside her with ease as his tongue teased across her bottom lip. She only held on to the confusion for a moment, wondering how she’d come to be pressed against the wall when they were so close to the bed, but she didn’t care, she just needed more. More of his touch, more of him. Her hands hungrily traced him, teasing and igniting his pleasure, pleasure she delivered as expertly as he did. His gasps and moans mingled with her own, swallowed by their kisses.

They feasted on each other, like people driven crazy with hunger, lips and hands everywhere as they devoured one another.

She captured his tongue with her lips, sucking on it, his hand tangled in her hair, somehow avoiding the pins securing her style in place. He pulled her head aside, teeth scraping the sensitive places on her neck as his thumb circled. “You don’t have to ask for permission, Sin, not this time,” he whispered, his teeth sinking into her tender skin as his fingers tilted her over the edge.

She felt the world move around her as his fingers rode the orgasm, light exploded in a vibrant array of fireworks behind her eyes, every nerve a fuse to the wave of explosions rippling throughout her. Then the mattress was on her back, his manly form silhouetted by the small spotlights above, framing every inch of his perfection. She pushed up, capturing his lips again. Hungry for more, starving for him.

His fingers freed her breasts, his lips breaking from hers to capture it, letting her wild moans escape. Her insides clenched, feeling the void, needing him to fill it. Her fingernails raked his back as he groaned in pleasure and her other hand grabbed his hair, pulling hard. Miles was her Dom, but they weren’t in a scene now. They were husband and wife, and he loved his vixen’s claws.

“I need you inside me,” she pleaded, breathless as he continued to play her body like the professional he was, now blocking her attempts at returning the favour, killing her hope of driving him to the level of need and desire that burnt from within her. She’d already come, but she was still aching for him, pleading. Just when she thought he’d make her wait forever, she felt his cock thrust inside, filling her in one fluid motion, expelling a gasp of delight from her as her muscles clenched, welcoming him home.

Her legs wrapped around him, holding him in place, savouring their connection as he stayed motionless, staring deep into her eyes with a love that matched no other.

His lips met hers softly, trailing hot delicate kisses to her neck, his teeth nipping her lightly, drawing a moan from her core that caused her insides to flutter around him as his muscles quivered and flexed beneath her hands splayed on his back, her fingernails pricking him the way she knew he loved, encouraging him on. She saw the way his teeth bit his lip as he moved. He pushed deep, slow, giving her more, uniting them emotionally as his eyes watched her face, his lips seeking out small kisses filled with tenderness.

Her hands traced down his back, fingertips gently exploring the muscles that rippled and bulged with his every movement. His bare skin against hers was heaven, the sensation of skin on skin igniting want, need, and comfort as she raised her hips, timing her movements with his, her insides rippling, quivering as if they tried to fix him in place as he delivered thrust after thrust of pure bliss.

“I love you, Sin,” he whispered, the emotions in his voice matching those reflected in his eyes. Just being with him like this was enough to make her eyes blur with tears of joy. She could feel his love, feel his sincerity with every inch of her body and soul.

Emotions welled within her, burning her core, igniting her soul until her muscles clenched around him, gripping him tightly as he kissed her, his mouth capturing the moans as he rode it with her. He placed his forehead to hers. “Forever, Sin,” he promised, seconds before his liquid heat filled her.

Taking her in his arms, he rolled them over, pulling her head to his chest, still buried inside her as she lay on him.

A content sigh escaped her lips as his fingers teased through her hair and he whispered sweet nothings. A smile crossed her lips as she heard him gasp. Leaning up, she fixed her eyes on his, tensing her pelvic floor muscles again, squeezing him inside her. She loved this, loved teasing him like this when he was at his most sensitive and watching the mixture of emotions flit across his face.

A little payback was only fair, after all.


One year later.

Ivy hadn’t realised how much fun it would be opening her BDSM training and recreation centre. She still hadn’t found the right label for it. Calling it a kink school didn’t quite fit with the image she wanted for her versatile business. She wanted people to know this was a safe place to learn, or a fun place to hire out some of their many rooms packed with dungeon furniture and extensive equipment.