Page 39 of Marrying Sin

She had thought walking down the aisle alone would have killed her, until she realised, she didn’t have to be alone. There was nothing she’d like more than for her closest friend to stand in her father’s place. It may have seemed strange, but Ivy was marrying one of her two best friends, and the other was an important part of her life. They had spent their youth through to adulthood together, seen each other through thick and thin. Being maid of honour didn’t seem like Becca, but father of the bride, now that role was perfect for her.

“I love you,” she whispered against his lips softly as the photographer snapped yet another photograph, before scolding her for moving from his desired pose. Her fingers ran down the silken texture of his lapel, eyes fixed on his as the photographer tutted, but continued to snap away.

“I love you more than life, Sin, my beautiful wife.” Her fingers wrapped around his lapel, pulling his lips to hers to capture them in a soft kiss. His fingertips skimmed her arms, before his hand found the small of her back, crushing her against him until her breath stilled with desire.


Having his arms wrapped around Ivy caused that feeling of completeness, of utter and undeniable contentment to nestle in his chest as it expanded with pride at having her beside him. But only now, did he understand why Ivy’s fingers had so often lifted to play with the necklace he’d locked around her neck. The comforting weight of the wedding ring on his finger carried that feeling, a physical reminder that she was his.

He could never be without her. He’d known that long before his brain had finally listened to his heart. All the hours of leave, all the school breaks, there had only been one person who made it complete, one person whose company he missed as if he’d severed part of himself. She had always been a part of him, ingrained so deeply he knew his soul would shred without her. A life without her would be empty, devoid of joy and passion. She was his other half, the only person he knew better than himself.

He knew her. Every inch, every part of who she was had long been imprinted on his soul. Her scent, her touch, her taste. Every sensual curve, dimple, and freckle, the feel of her skin, the way she writhed beneath him, all of her was as much a part of him as his heart, which she owned completely and irrevocably.

Her dusk-pink lips were turned into an easy smile as she mingled with the guests, having her photo taken, posing and laughing. She looked so alive, so vibrant. And whilst she looked divine in her wedding gown, thoughts of sliding it from her and enjoying her beautiful skin turning that perfect blush as she received her punishment, invaded his thoughts more and more, until it was all he could think about.

He honestly didn’t think he would ever be this lucky, and when she insisted they postponed the wedding to find his mum, he feared it was just another of that woman’s schemes to get their way, but he’d been wrong. The fact they were standing here now, husband and wife, was all thanks to the woman who, just days ago, would have done anything to ensure this union ever happened.

Whilst he wouldn’t wish harm on her, whatever she had endured with that reporter had done some good. He’d seen her regret. In fact, he’d seen the first genuine flickers of emotion, the first expression of feelings cross features that had normally been concealed by the hardened mask she wore each day.

To say her suddenly helping to get the wedding that she’d been against, on track, was a surprise would be the understatement of the year. Forget this being the wedding of the year, his mother’s actions had been the gesture of the year, an olive branch that could finally mean things would change.

Miles chuckled at his looped thoughts, wondering how many more times he could fit the words, of the year, in a single thought. At least once more, because Ivy was about to get the spanking of a year, for forgetting his special wedding gift.

In fact… a mischievous smile crept across his face. Just because she’d forgotten to wear it to the wedding didn’t mean she should get away scot-free. There were still a few hours before they left. More than enough time for the first portion of her punishment.

He sought his wife out through the crowd. She was easy to see. Her aura always called to him. He could spot her in a crowded room as easily as if a neon sign pointed to her. She was his lure, his beacon, and she drew him to her like a moth to a flame. But her light would never burn him. It filled him from the inside out, healed him, gave him strength.

There wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t thank his lucky stars they’d found each other. He wished it had been an easier journey, that he’d just listened to what his heart told him and acted upon it. Ivy went through Hell for him to realise what she meant to him. But that Hell was also what pulled them together. Her strength and courage astounded him. She awakened a part of him he never knew existed. She had completed him in more ways than he could count, more ways than she would ever know.

“You look ready to steal your bride away.” Devon placed his firm hand on his shoulder. Miles had to admit that Devon made the perfect gentleman. He didn’t just wear a suit, he showed it who was boss. His presence shone with power and Dom energy. The two of them, shoulder to shoulder, were a sight to behold. And both of them had a gorgeous woman on their arm, or would have, if they weren’t busy enjoying the festivities.

“I told you,” Devon whispered in his ear, his eyes on Penny and Ivy as they shared a dance. “There’s nothing quite like a Sub.”

It was at that moment the two ladies turned, their eyes locking on them, whispered words shared as they clutched each other lightly. Becca worked her way towards them, her partner, Jake, dipping her in his arms, before releasing her.

It was refreshing to see Becca so happy. For her to bring someone to an event spoke more about her feelings than any words ever would. Becca never brought a plus one.

He’d known about Jake for some time, and knew he was someone special the second she decided to introduce him to them. Becca had dalliances, but she’d promised herself she’d never settle for comfort. Whoever was with her needed to know that her work was important, that they would share her time and passion with it. Most men that came into her life couldn’t handle it. Jake, however, had been pulled into her world.

They’d come over for dinner one night, and the two of them disappeared into their own realm, brainstorming over ideas. Jake had been headhunted by Becca as a model, the perfect face and frame for the line she was working on. He wasn’t a model, he’d come over to finish his education but instead found himself in fashion’s hottest magazines.

He’d jokingly said once he drew the line at Zoolander’s blue mermaid lipstick. And what had Becca done for their next shoot? Yep, she’d shown him who was boss, and, to be fair, he’d worn it well, as had Becca when the shoot was over and he’d rained down blue kisses everywhere her skin was exposed.

Although the photographs had been purely for her, because everyone needed a little blackmail material from time to time, one image somehow found its way to his brother, Bastian, in England, and had become that year’s Christmas card image, much to Jake’s frustration.

His big brother was always teasing him about being a pretty boy, but despite the jokes at his expense, they were never hostile, just fun sibling jibes. Miles could see the love in the way he talked about him, and the gratitude about how his big brother had put his own life on hold to raise him and his sister, sacrificing everything so they could pursue their dreams.

Jake had fit seamlessly into their group. The only reason he’d not been at the bachelor party was he’d been finishing up a shoot. He’d flown in this afternoon, missing all the drama, which he was sure Becca had filled him in on already.

Miles had been wary of him at first, who wouldn’t be? Someone like Becca always had fame seekers showing up in the most unexpected of ways, inserting themselves into her life in the hope to get their big break. But the first time he’d seen them together he’d known it was more. The way they bounced ideas off each other was a sight to behold. He fed her imagination. Even though he didn’t know anything about the fashion industry, he’d engage her, and learn. It was all he’d needed to see. He wasn’t a model hoping to use Becca to further himself. Their meeting was one of chance, their relationship woven by the fates.

The three women hugged slightly, before Becca pulled Ivy in for a hug, kissing her cheek. Ivy gripped her tightly, her eyes once more straying across to Miles, her teeth scraping that bottom lip in a way that went straight to his core, engaging his need to possess.

It was only moments later when his beautiful bride slid her hand into the crook of his arm, whispering words that made his spine tingle. “I’m ready, Master.” She kissed his cheek, her face every bit the image of a blushing bride.

“Good girl.” Oh, he would never tire of the look on her face when he spoke those two words. Never.

Miles had wasted no time in hoisting her over his shoulder, causing a squeal of delight that had heads turning as he carried her up the winding staircase with thick mahogany rails to the honeymoon suit.