“It’s been a crazy few days, if I’m being honest. But not talking to you has been torture,” he said, rubbing his hand over his chin. I wanted to feel the slight stubble there scratch my cheek so badly. Or maybe my inner thigh. God, I was so hurt, but still wanted him so much.

“I know you saw me and Regina at the diner, and right at that moment, I can imagine that it didn’t look good. I had to come and explain myself,” he continued.

“You don’t owe me an explanation.” The forced brightness in my tone grated my own ears. But I wouldn’t let him see me sad.

“No, please. Let me. Nothing is going on between us. We were just chatting, and it was a really good talk. I’ll always have some love for Regina–she’s the mother of my child–but I don’t love her like I love you. I’m in love with you, Arya, and, more than anything, I want to be with you,” he said. His eyes shone with desperation and I could see him restraining his hand from reaching out to me. “She was holding my hand because she was really happy for me. Regina was actually the one who encouraged me to come here and tell you before it was too late.”

I didn’t expect this. Any of this. My hormones were starting to get the best of me, but I held back the tears as he let his hand go and reach for mine.

“Let me take you to dinner. This time as your boyfriend. Please, Arya. I love you.”

I felt the pasted on smile from the last few minutes slowly melt into a real one.

OMG. My heart was bursting. I wanted nothing more than to jump up and hug him and create a scene. But, I couldn't. I took a deep breath.

“I love you, too, Tristan.” It was all I could think to say. The fortress I put around my heart was suddenly gone. But I couldn't tell him about the pregnancy yet. This was not the time or the place for that.

He smiled and kissed my hand.

“So you’ll go on a date with me?” His mouth was tilted up on one side in a sheepish grin, and he never looked sexier.

“Yes, I’ll go on a real date with you, Tristan.” I softly laughed.

Tristan got up and pulled my hand so I was standing in front of him. Right there, in the middle of the bakery bathed in the hot afternoon sun, he kissed me.

I had missed his lips on mine, the soft scratch of his stubble on my cheek, the feather-light touch of his fingers on my hips. It felt like a fairytale, but we both knew a nightmare hung over our heads. But now I was ready to fight Rebecca Adler. Tristan was worth it. Our love was worth it. And our child deserved for us to give this relationship a chance.

Tristan stood back and really looked at me.

“You’re so beautiful, Arya,” he said. “I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t seen you in a few days, but you’re glowing.”

I smiled, and the heartbeat inside me glowed. I suddenly couldn’t wait to tell him I was pregnant.

But I had to wait. My heart was dancing, but I had to maintain some kind of control. My hormones were slowly starting to get the best of me, but I held back my happy tears as he took my hands into his.


I couldn't stop grinning as we left the bakery. Shiloh was holding Regina's hand and chattering away about all the neat equipment she saw in the back. Regina was reminding her of all the different flavors of icing they had seen in the back. Shiloh was adamant that plain old chocolate was still her favorite.

I was listening, but not absorbing anything. I guess this is what they mean when they talk about love. I knew, without a doubt that I was in love. And now, Arya had admitted it too.

Regina softly touched my arm. "Are you ok? You seem to be far, far away."

"Yeah, I'm more than ok. I think Arya and I are going to make a go of it. You're right, Regina. We can't let my mother or what anyone else might think come between us and our happiness. I can't tell the future, but I want to find out where this might take us. I'll always regret it if we don't try."

Regina looked up at me with a soft smile on her face.

"I really am happy for you. I'm happy for us. Look at us. Starting a new page, no bad feelings, enjoying our little girl who just chatters away incessantly…" They chuckled as they looked down at Shiloh who was now explaining how much she loved caramel filling.

"Regina, would you do me a favor?"

"Of course."

"I want to treat Arya to a day she won't forget. Whisk her away from here so that we can enjoy being anonymous. Would you mind if I left for a couple of days?"

"I think that's a great idea. Yes, definitely. Do that. I would love some alone time with Shiloh anyway. No offence." She laughed.

"No offence taken. Thanks, Regina. I have some planning to do."