“It seems like you’ve been avoiding me these days,” he said, studying me carefully.

“I’ve just been really busy.” I tried to laugh it off, but he looked at me seriously.

“Busy with Arya?”

“Why would you think that?”

“You two haven’t been nearly as sneaky as you think you have.”

“It’s not what you think, Mason. Let’s just talk about it.”

Mason just sighed.

“I’m not mad, nor do I want to fight about it,” he said, raising his hands in a truce. “I’m just trying to make sure the two of you don’t do something stupid.”

Just then, my mom subtly tapped her champagne flute to get everyone’s attention. I prayed she wouldn’t say anything that would cause unnecessary drama.

“I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for coming to celebrate Regina and Tristan.” I inwardly groaned at her choice of words. “Dinner is ready, so everyone, please take your seats and let’s enjoy a wonderful evening.”

Of course, my mom had assigned seats. And, of course, I was seated next to Regina. Not wanting to sit there, I caught Regina’s eye and winked–trying to let her know I’d be swapping. I sat next to Gram and Ellen instead.

“Tristan, I placed you next to Regina,” Mom called to me.

“That’s okay,” Regina said. “Tristan can sit wherever he wants.”

“No, no,” I said quickly, wanting the awkwardness to be over. “I’ll sit in my assigned seat.”

I avoided catching Arya’s gaze. I could only imagine how uncomfortable this situation was for her.

“You didn’t have to indulge her,” Regina whispered to me as I settled myself in my designated seat.

“You know my mom. She would never have let up. I just want to get through this dinner without a public blowout.”

She glanced past me.

“Your girlfriend doesn’t seem very happy about this. Does your mom know you’re seeing someone?”

“We have a lot to catch up on, but not here.”

Regina chuckled.

“That sounds messy.”

She had no idea.

Chapter 21


Iwokeupthenext morning still thinking about how terrible the previous night was. I was forced to watch Regina and Tristan sitting together, talking and laughing. I had to admit, they made a beautiful family, and it cut me to the core.

There was also the matter of him avoiding me the whole night. He barely said a word to me.

Maybe Rebecca was right after all. She sure enjoyed seeing Regina and Tristan together. I saw her stealing smug glances toward me all night, likely celebrating my pain. I found myself hating her more and more. She degraded me and my family every chance she had. Rebecca made sure we felt like some kind of charity case because of past kindnesses. We certainly were made to feel that we had a "place" in their lives.

I was feeling even more confident about my decision. I knew for sure I was going to quit my job and, despite the fact that I would miss Grace and William, I needed to leave the Adlers behind me.

“Morning,” Mason said, startling me. “You seem angry at those dishes. What did they ever do to you?”