And why was he talking about me with Mason?

“What did Mason have to say?” I asked cooly. I tried not to sound upset, but I could hear in my own ears that I failed miserably.

He had the good sense to look a little sheepish as he kicked a rock away.

“He didn’t say much, just that the relationship wasn't good. I thought you’d be the best person to ask about him,” he said.

I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, trying to gain a sense of calm. My anger dialed back by a few degrees when I opened my eyes.

“It wasn’t just one guy. I've had a string of bad boyfriends. I've always been taken for granted in relationships; left to the back burner. Guys just assume I'll be there whenever they need something. In the meantime, they think they can just lie to me, and ignore me. The worst part? I take it and Iamthere when they need me. I'm the one who has been teaching guys how to treat me, so I'm trying to figure out how to be better in a relationship. I'm still healing, and honestly, some days I don't trust myself."

I looked at Tristan. His eyes were burning into me, but not with pity, as I’d expected them to when I told him my Sad Girl Story. But was that curiosity in his eyes? Was he truly just trying to get to know me?

“It’s in the past now,” I continued. “I’m just trying to figure myself out so I can move forward to a healthier future, and eventually find someone who truly understands my value.”

I wanted to be talking about anything else but my shitty relationships right now. I wanted to forget about the cheating and the gaslighting. All I wanted was for him to close the distance and run his fingers through my hair. The five feet away he stood from me was too far.

But from this distance, I saw his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed hard.

“I get what it’s like to love someone, and give them your all, just to be let down. I’ve been there before. It sucks,” he said quietly, seriously. I had really only heard about Regina when eavesdropping or from little nuggets told by Mason. He didn’t talk much about her with me directly.

“What happened with Regina?” I asked.

Tristan sighed and shoved his hands in the pocket of his shorts, looking at the ground. I could tell he was uncomfortable talking about her, but I needed him to. I needed to know she was in his past.

“We’re in a better place now that we’re just co-parents. That’s all I can really say.”

That’s all he could say? I just poured my heart out and that was all he could offer?

All I could do was smile.

“Well, good for you.”

A car pulled in, interrupting the latest awkward moment in a lifetime of awkward moments I now had stored with Tristan.

“That must be Zara,” he said as he walked towards the car.

“Hi, Tristan,” Zara greeted him. I was surprised when she stepped out of her expensive-looking silver sports car. She was wearing a suit, also expensive-looking, in a deep plum color. Under the jacket was a white button-up shirt. Her shoulder-length dark brown hair was glossy and styled into perfect waves.

I’d thought I’d looked cute this morning in my favorite, flowy black shorts and crop top, but my discount special didn’t hold a candle to her high end outfit.

“Zara, good to see you,” Tristan said smoothly. “This is Arya. I asked her to come with me today as a second set of eyes.”

I smiled weakly as Zara shook my hand. My mood turned up a bit when I thought I saw a flash of concern in Zara’s perfectly made-up eyes. Maybe she thought I was a threat after all? I mean, even standing here in the dirt lot, it was clear there was chemistry between me and Tristan.

“That’s so sweet,” Zara said, clearly patronizing me. “You’re looking out for him. You two are giving me such adorable brother and sister vibes.”

It was now clear that she saw me as a threat. But her diminutive insult really pissed me off. She quickly turned away from me, back to Tristan and grabbed his arm–rather unnecessarily, if you asked me–to lead him toward the gate. She was bubbly and flirty, barely taking her hands off of him to pull the key from the bag slung around her chest to unlock the gate.

The tour was filled with Zara's giggles and nonstop chatter, and by the end, my head ached and my fingers itched to claim what–or who–was mine.


The walk-through the building was awkward. I could tell Zara was trying to cut Arya out and as much as I brought Arya into the circle of conversation, Zara would push her out. Arya was quiet as the tour finished up.

“I know you have my number, but here’s my card in case you need it,” Zara practically cooed at me. “Call me day or night, I’m always available for my top priority clients.”

I bet she was.