“I’m sorry about the other day. If I made you feel like I didn’t care or that the other night meant nothing to me, I’m really sorry,” he said. “But I really can’t control what my mother does or thinks. I wish she would listen to me, but she just doesn't.”

His eyes shimmered, and I wanted to close the distance and feel his arms around me.

I cleared my throat. I was determined to sound neutral.

“Like I said before, Tristan, it’s not a big deal.”

“It was a big deal to me,” he said, and moved closer. My heart started beating fast and I heard the blood rushing in my ears. My body longed for him to reach out and touch me.

“For the record,” he hesitated, and my world stopped. My heart hung on whatever he was going to say next. “We’re still friends.”

It didn’t sound like that was what he actually intended to say, but it seemed like that was all I was getting from him today.

“Great, so I guess we’re on the same page then,” I said.

I wanted to scream at him to try a little bit harder.

“I guess so,” he said. “Anyway, I have to head out. I told Mason I’d come by the distillery and meet him for lunch.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later,” I said and turned back toward the kitchen.


I kept replaying the conversation with Arya. I couldn’t believe I didn’t tell her how I felt. Obviously, I wanted to be more than friends, but I didn’t want things to be awkward between us if she rejected me.

It was another day spent with Mason, desperately trying not to talk about Arya and hoping he hadn’t found out what happened between us.

As I pulled up in front of the house, I saw Arya heading out the door, presumably going home for the evening. I jumped out of the SUV to see her. All I wanted to do was pull her in for a kiss, but instead stopped a few feet away from her.

“You look like you’ve had a long day,” I said. I noticed her hair was a little mussed and her full lips let out a sigh.

“You have no idea. We just wrapped up the day with a short physio session with William and Grace, and I could use a foot rub,” she said with a chuckle.

I would have gladly offered my services, but I was unsure if that’s what she wanted.

“I can imagine,” I said instead. “I hope Shiloh didn’t add too much to your plate.”

“Oh, her grandmother loaded her up with sugar this afternoon. So, good luck getting her to sleep.”

She laughed, and I could have listened to that sound all night.

But I shook my head at my mom’s behavior. It was just like her to do whatever Shiloh wanted without thinking about how it would impact anyone else.

“It sounds like I should walk you home and avoid my fate for as long as possible.”

I already knew Mason wasn’t going over to the house tonight.

“Sure, I’d like that,” she said softly.

We started to walk down the driveway.

“How was your day with Mason?” she asked.

“It was great,” I said. “Until my dad showed up. It’s obvious he’d prefer a son like Mason, someone who was passionate about the business.”

“No offense to Mason, or anything, but you’re a freaking surgeon who is now an amazingly successful businessman. How could they not be proud of that?”

“I’m not sure, but it wasn't what they planned for me,” I muttered. I didn’t want to sulk about my dad. I wanted to enjoy her company. “Anyway. How was your day?”