Regina looked at me through the camera.

“Has she met Shiloh?”

I had been hoping to avoid this question.

“Yes, they’ve met, and Shiloh really likes her. Shiloh doesn’t know that we’re seeing each other. She just thinks she’s a friend.” I wanted to clarify that so that Regina didn’t feel I was introducing women to Shiloh too soon.

“Are you happy?”

“Yes, I’m happy.”

Regina’s smile was beaming.

“Then I’m happy for you, too. And I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Thanks, I think you’ll like her, too.”

“I just wanted to chat quickly and make sure you were really okay with me coming down. I have a thing to do now, so we’ll talk later, okay?”

“Sounds great. Have a good night, Gina.”

I felt a load lift from my shoulders, having cleared things up with Regina. With that potential stumbling block removed, it was time to go talk to Arya.

I needed to know where she stood–even if she didn’t want to see me anymore.

It was getting late, so I’d talk to her tomorrow. After getting Shiloh to bed and saying goodnight to my grandparents, I sat in the chair in my room for a moment.

My body ached for Arya. I wanted to feel her soft skin and run my fingers through her silky hair.

But I also just wanted to talk to her. She brightened my day. She was an open book, and I looked forward to our conversations and just getting to know the person she grew up to be.

There was no doubt there were a lot of obstacles ahead if we chose to go down this path, but I had to try.

I took a cool shower and slipped on some shorts before settling into bed. My dreams were filled with visions of Arya and I getting entangled over and over.

Chapter 10


TodaywasthedayI would talk to Tristan. I gave myself a pep talk as I walked into the house, hoping I’d see him making breakfast like it had become routine. I was disappointed to see only Shiloh, William, and Grace sitting at the breakfast table. Where was Tristan? I didn't dare ask. William already knew something was up and I didn’t need to start any rumors.

“Morning,” I chirped, and they all responded like a rehearsed chorus as they all answered together.

I dropped my bag on a chair and walked further into the kitchen.

“Join us for breakfast,” said Grace.

I wasn’t hungry after the bowl of cereal I’d had that morning. Plus, my stomach was in knots with nerves.

“It looks delicious, but no thank you. I already ate,” I responded, leaning on the counter.

“That’s too bad,” Grace said. “Tristan outdid himself this morning.”

My mood brightened at the mention of his name.

“Oh yeah? Is he here?” I immediately regretted asking it as I saw a slight smirk flit across Grace’s face.

“Daddy left after making breakfast. I don’t know where he went,” Shiloh, the family spokesperson apparently, said with a shrug.