I had let my insecurities push away something that could be beautiful. I needed to talk to Tristan. Making things right with him was now on the top of my priority list.


The last thing I wanted to do tonight was to talk to Regina, but video calls were a routine for Shiloh's sake. Regina wasn’t a bad person, but we had been through a lot and what I really wanted was some space from her. I was thankful that Regina was supportive of my time back in Bardstown with Shiloh, so the least I could do was facilitate these calls. As difficult as it was, Shiloh needed her mom, too.

I needed to talk to Regina about me dating again. We needed to be on the same page, because the last thing I needed was her conspiring with my mom while she was here.

“Mommy wants to talk to you,” Shiloh said, excitedly.

My biggest worry was my mom saying these things to Shiloh and making her think we would eventually get back together. Regina and I were always going to be family, but we were going to be family while being separate.

The only person on my mind was Arya. I really wanted to see where things would go for us.

“Okay, kiddo. Why don’t you go downstairs and play with Gram and Pop,” I said, not wanting her to hear this conversation. Shiloh bounded out the door and I heard her footsteps fade on the stairs.

“Hey, you,” I said, smiling at Regina’s face on the laptop screen. I had set up a small desk in my room to use as a workstation to get some work done. Even though I was officially taking a break, my corporate staff still needed input here and there.

“How have you been, Tristan?” She seemed distracted, which was par for the course for Regina. It was one of the reasons our relationship didn’t work out.

“I’ve been great, thanks. Really enjoying the slower pace here.”

I stayed silent to let her deal with whatever was going on over there, and then she turned back to our call.

“Sorry about that. So, my chat with Shiloh went well, no tantrums or anything, so I guess things are getting better."

Shiloh was having a hard time. She didn’t see Regina much, and she wasn’t too happy with her about that. I couldn’t blame Shiloh though. Being away from her mother was definitely hard on her despite having her extended family around. Regina really did need to visit soon.

“That’s good to hear,” I said, taking a sip of my water.

“Did your mom tell you I’m coming to visit?”

I had no problem with her visiting, but I was a little frustrated when she talked to my mom before talking with me.

“She did. I’m glad you were able to arrange it. Shiloh misses you.”

"I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you first. It was actually your mom's idea that I come down there. After we talked more about it, it was clear that you didn’t know anything. I really don’t want to impose.”

“It’s totally okay, Gina. I’m glad you’re going to visit. This is probably the longest you've been away from Shiloh. The only problem is that my mom keeps thinking that you and I are going to work things out. I keep telling her we’re done, but…,” I let the sentence drift away. There was really nothing else to say.

Regina burst out laughing.

“She can’t be serious,” she said.

“Oh, she’s dead serious,” I assured her.

Regina suddenly stopped laughing.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea, then? I don’t want to give your mom the wrong idea.”

“You have to, for Shiloh’s sake. My mother will eventually get over the end of our marriage. She’ll have to. Especially now, since I’m seeing someone new.” I tried to drop it in casually, even though Arya and I hadn’t talked about what was really going on between us. I knew what I wanted with Arya, and I wanted to be clear with Regina.

“That’s great news, Tristan! Who is she?” Regina was paying attention to me for a change and seemed genuinely enthusiastic.

“You don’t know her, but you’ll definitely meet her when you visit.”

“It seems like you really like her.”

“I do. It’s still early, but I’d like to see where things go.”