“I just want you to know that it will be difficult for me to accept anyone who isn’t Regina.” My stomach turned. If this was going to go anywhere, it would clearly be an uphill battle with his family.

“I have grown to love her like my own daughter, and I’m not sure I can do that again with someone else.”

It was very typical of Rebecca Adler to make it all about her.

“I’m sorry to hear that, Mom. Because I want to move on and I will move on. I’d hate to leave you out of certain parts of my life, but I will if I have to.”

Tristan’s voice was polite but firm. His assertiveness was so sexy. He knew how to take charge of a situation.

But Rebecca essentially declared war on whoever was going to be her son’s next girlfriend. Did I really want to deal with that? Did I have the energy for the fight? And what would be the fallout? Despite her terrible attitude, Rebecca still had a lot of sway in this town. She could ruin me and my family if she wanted to.

“As for Regina staying with you and Dad, I have no problem with it. If she wants to be closer to her daughter, I’m here for it. But that is what this is all about, Shiloh, and nothing else. And Shiloh could stay at the house for a few nights, if she wants to. But I'll be staying here, with Gram and Pop.”

Of course, he would be okay with his ex-wife staying with his parents. They were always going to be a family with Shiloh.

I thought I heard Rebecca sigh across the line.

“Well, I should get going. Shiloh and I are getting our nails done. I just wanted to let you know Regina called.”

I rolled my eyes. Who takes a four-year-old to get a manicure?

They said their goodbyes and Tristan stood still and silent in the entryway.

“You heard everything, didn’t you?” Tristan still hadn’t turned to look at me.

“Yes,” I said simply.

He let out a frustrated sigh.

“Look, my mom can be…old fashioned. And definitely persistent–” he started.

“You don’t owe me any explanation,” I cut in. “It’s understandable Regina would want to come spend time with Shiloh. And it’s not like this is anything serious. It’s just fun, right? A summer fling.”

He finally turned to look at me, and his eyes pierced into mine. He looked disappointed and a little angry.

“You should–,” I started. “The moment is clearly gone, and I had some things I wanted to get done today. So we’ll talk later?”

Tristan hesitated before simply nodding once and turning for the door. I wanted him to turn back and tell me I meant more to him than just a summer fling, but he didn’t.

Maybe that’s all it was, after all.


I couldn’t believe how quickly the afternoon had gone to shit. I didn’t think Arya was just a summer fling, but that’s clearly what she had intended.

After dinner, I sat outside on the porch, trying not to look over at the McKenna’s house, wondering what Arya was doing. What was she wearing? Was she taking the edge off of the frustration from the day?

In the dusky light, I saw Mason walking over, and I started praying that Arya hadn’t confided in him. He walked up the porch steps with a six pack and waved.

“Hey man, I was having dinner with Arya and saw you out here. Want one?” he asked, gesturing to the six-pack.

“Sure, come on up.”

He sat in one of the other chairs and took out two beers. Popping the tops, he handed one to me and I immediately took a sip, letting the cool, crisp lager relieve my nerves. He didn’t look like he was here to beat my ass for having sex with his sister, but I couldn’t be sure.

“Is everything okay?” I finally asked, trying to get to the point.

“Yeah, I'm fine. I just missed this when you were in New York. It’s been a bit lonely around here, I won’t lie.”