
The doorbell rang, and I jumped up from the sofa where I was petting Little Rascal and Chance. They bounded to the door behind me, followed by Buster.

“You wanted us to come visit you,” Lila asked, narrowing her eyes at me in curiosity.

“Yes, please come in.” I nodded at Evan.

Once we were sitting in the living room, I began talking. “As you both know, I have become an asshole regarding business.”

Both Evan and Lila nodded vehemently.

“I know, I know. I’m not proud. I had all the wrong ideas about what was the right way to be a successful person. I figured the more money I made, however I made it, meant that I would be more successful.”

“You’re not going to get sappy on us, are you?” Evan asked me, raising an eyebrow.

“There’s a slight possibility,” I said honestly. “I’ve learned that being an honest businessman and having integrity are two of the major ingredients in being a success. I’m so sorry for how I’ve treated both of you in the past. I’m so sorry that I hurt you, Lila, and Evan. I’m so sorry that I ruined our friendship. I know I have much groveling to do, but I’m hoping we can one day make amends and become great friends and a tight-knit family.”

They both stared at me, dumbfounded. “What’s gotten into you,” Lila asked.

“I’m in love,” I told them. I could feel my eyes grow to twice their size as the realization hit me. I jumped up from the sofa. “I’M IN LOVE!” I started pacing the floor, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

“Thane, stop. Come sit down. You’re making me feel nauseous,” Lila said.

“Sorry, sis,” I said, sitting beside her. I think I was shaking and smiling.

“Breathe in and out slowly,” Lila told me. I did what she said, and I felt calmer.

“I need you two to do me a favor,” I said, looking from Lila to Evan.

Evan squinted. “What’s that?” he asked cautiously.

“Anything,” Lila said.

“I need you to let me back into Erickson & Prince Real Estate, but not as an owner. The two of you should own that place. I just want to be an employee who gets you upper-class clients, the right way,” I added. “I want to do work that I’m proud of. And I want to make up for all the shit I caused in the company.”

“We’ll have to think about it, and we can talk again tomorrow or later this week,” Evan said slowly.

“I know, of course. Think about it but know this: I need to make it up to you guys. I love you both more than anything.” I felt tears rim the edges of my eyes.

Lila smiled, and a tear fell from her eye as she took me in her arms and hugged me tight. “I love you, too, Thane. Always have, no matter what. I didn’tlikeyou sometimes, but the love was always there.”

“I hope you can learn to be happy living this way, Thane. I really do. You’ve got an amazing woman in Darcy, so you’d better spend the rest of your life earning a spot in her life,” Evan told me.

After Evan and Lila left, I gave Julian a call.

“Hey, brother. What’s up?” Julian’s smooth voice slid through the phone.

“I have some bad news. I’m going to withdraw from our entrepreneurial adventure together. You are more than welcome to carry it on yourself, but I urge you not to. I’m getting in touch with my conscience on this one. It’s not right to kick people out of their homes so we can make a buck,” I explained.

“I’m sorry to hear that, man. It would have been a great ride. Sure, no problem. I’ll bill you for my time,” he said.

“What? No, I don’t think so. Don’t be an ass about this. We were just fact-finding along the way. You can’t bill me for that,” I said. I’d never heard of such a thing.

“My time’s important,” he told me.

“So is mine,” I countered.

“I’ll talk to my lawyer,” Julian said.