I let her in, and she looked around the house. “Wow. So, this is how my daughters live. Must be nice. Interesting that you’re not willing to help me out like you are Addison. I’m only the person who raised you and took care of all your needs growing up.”

“I took care of both of you for years after Daddy got taken away. How dare you say that. The difference between you and Addison is that she actually tries to succeed and doesn’t let alcohol and drugs mess up her future. You can turn your life around, but you have to work hard to do it. Once I see that, then you will get my full support,” I explained.

“You abandoned me in my time of need,” she cried.

“Save your tears, Mom. I tried over and over to help you, but it did no good. You were just too selfish to consider the needs of your children. I had to pay all the bills while you were so strung out you didn’t even know who you were most of the time. I couldn’t live with you anymore and watch you squander your life away on nasty addictions. Addison doesn’t want to live with you anymore either, and that’s final,” I told her, anger boiling inside me as old memories were dredged up.

“Well, aren’t you little Miss Ungrateful,” she sneered.

“Let’s not do this, okay? Why are you here?” I asked again.

She brushed past me and sat down at the kitchen table. Shellene was in there, making herself tea. “Would you like some tea?”

“See, Darcy. At least your roommate has some manners,” she said. “No. I only plan to say what I have to say. Then I’m gonna split.”

“Thanks, Shellene. I’ll get some later. As Mom just said, she won’t be staying long,” I confirmed as she took her tea upstairs to give us some privacy.

“What is it?” I askedagain.

“Your father is trying to get paroled again. The last few times, he was refused instantly. This time, I think the court might be considering it. They want us three to attend the hearing and have a statement prepared,” she explained.

“What kind of statement?” I asked, feeling nauseous.

“You’ll have to present your statement to the court as a speech stating why you don’t think your father should be paroled.”

I had no words. I tried to speak, but nothing came out. I stared straight ahead, hardly even seeing my mother.

“I take it both you and Addison will be there?”

“We’ll be there,” I said. I would do anything to make sure that bastard never got out.

“Where is Addy? Can I see her?”

“She’s not here at the moment. I’ll give you her number, and you can call to arrange a time to see her,” I suggested.

“You’re lying,” she said as she jumped to her feet. She started walking through the house. “Addison? Where are you?”

“Mom, she’s not here,” I told her again.

She went up the stairs, and I heard her talking to Shellene. “Is Addison here? Where is Addison’s room?”

I heard them walk to Addison’s room, then silence. Then I heard my mother come back down the stairs. “Nice room you have up there for her. Any chance you’d have room in here for me?”

“I’m sorry, this is a drug-free environment,” I told her and handed her a piece of paper with Addison’s phone number on it.

She narrowed her eyes. “You are one nasty bitch, Darcy Blackwell.”

“I learned from the best,” I said, walking her to the door. “Next time you want to visit, please call first. Thank you for letting me know about Dad. I appreciate it.”

“Enjoy sleeping tonight knowing that you could have asked me to move in here to help me, but you turned me out onto the streets instead.”

“That might have been something I would have asked you if you weren’t a drug addict. Check yourself in and get some counseling. Do that, and then we’ll talk,” I suggested. She was my mom. I had to give her every opportunity to get clean.

“See you at the hearing,” was all she said as she descended the front steps and walked to the bus stop. I could have offered to drive her home. I probablyshouldhave, but she got here on her own, so I’m sure she would make it home the same way.

I watched her walk down the street, and something in me wanted to run to her and bring her back. Thatsomethingwas the child in me who still thought of her as Mom. That was notpresent-dayme.

I sat down suddenly, unable to breathe. Emotions took hold of me, and I shivered, tears streaming down my face. I felt so lost without my mother or father in my life. I’d never known what it was like to have a real family. I put my head in my hands and let it all out.