“It’s your duty,” Lila sassed back at him.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Only if you’ll make a snowman for me, too.”

“I’m a snowman master,” Shellene said.

“You guys go ahead. I’ll be making an army of snowballs for our snow fight afterward,” Thane said. “Girls against guys.” He looked right at me when he said it, so I looked away. I didn’t want him getting the wrong idea that there was now something between us. I would be staying far away from him going forward.

“I’ll take that challenge,” Regan said, grinning at Shellene.

“You’re on,” she replied and went to get her outside outfit on.

Once we were outside, most of us set to work on the fort. The snow was perfect for packing, and it didn’t take long for us to get a few rooms done.

We finished the fort and were quite proud of it. “That’s massive,” Lyle said, standing close and putting his arm around me. I wasn’t sure why he was doing that, but I was okay with it because it seemed to put a sour look on Thane’s face.

“Okay, guys. Over here. I’ve got a ton of snowballs made up, as well as a protective barrier.” Thane seemed quite proud of himself.

“You’ll never win against us,” Remi challenged him. She began building a barrier immediately. Shellene went over to help her. Addison and I began making snowballs.

“I’ll take care of the hot chocolate and cookies for afterward,” Lila said, walking toward the cabin.

Behind our barrier, we stood up and hurled numerous snowballs in the direction of the guys, and they hurled theirs back. I realized that Thane always aimed his snowballs at me. This was going to mean business. I made a small pile and grabbed two of them, waiting for him to pop his head up over the barrier. As soon as he did, I threw both of them at the same time, and they smashed into his chest.

“Hey! Oh, you’re going to get it now,” he threatened.

“C’mon, Thane. You know you’ll never win,” Remi shouted as she pegged him off with a couple more. “That’s four hits on Thane to two hits on us. We seem to be winning.”

“Not if I can help it,” Evan said as he stood up and whipped a few more at us, hitting both Shellene and Addison in the process.

We kept throwing snowballs until it got crazy, and we all stepped out from behind our barriers and started walloping each other. The final tally was Girls: 39 to Guys: 33.

“Losers pack the car tomorrow,” I said. All the girls laughed and said, “Here, here.”

“That wasn’t established before, so it isn’t valid,” Regan said.

“Nah, I think that’s fair,” said Lyle.

Regan shrugged his shoulders. “Alright, if you say so.”

Thane sat beside me during dinner and kept trying to start up a conversation with me. Thane took my hand in his and began rubbing it so sensually that I could feel myself reacting to his touch. He moved my hand, which grazed his hard bulge and startled me.He’s playing dirty.We were in a room full of people, so I couldn’t punch him in the face, (though I really wanted to). I looked down and saw that the tablecloth covered my hand and his lap. I didn’t withdraw my hand. I wanted to see how far he would go to get my attention. He amused me. And I was burning with desire for his touch.

He was guiding my fingers ever so slowly (so as not to make a sound) to unzip him. I pursed my lips together. I was torn. I wanted to yell at him, but I also really wanted to touch him. When my fingers touched his flesh, I could feel my cheeks burn. He was hard and smooth, and there was a thick gooey substance on the tip. Hot liquid shot down to my pussy immediately, and my breath caught in my throat. This was so erotic, and I wasn’t sure how to stop it. I couldn’t let this go on, but the sheer mischievousness of it had me so turned on I’d lost control of my senses.

Thane lifted his hand from on top of mine and reached over to put it between my legs. He slid his hand down my pants and under my panties. My hot, wet opening was yearning for his touch. Once he got his fingers in all the way, I looked at him. So much was said as we looked into each other’s eyes. I wanted his cock inside me so bad that I thought I would explode on his fingers as he moved them around to pleasure me.

Lila was looking at me inquisitively, and I suddenly wondered if she knew what was going on. The thought was enough to bring me out of my fog and back to reality. I took my hand away from him and grabbed his arm to move him off me. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard. I risked glancing at him, and there was a look of confusion written all over his face. I looked away, unable to tell him what was happening inside my head.

I managed to avert every advance from him for the rest of the evening, but just before we all retired for bed, he came up behind me in the kitchen when I was putting my wine glass in the sink.

“What the fuck, Darcy? After what happened between us, you’re giving me theIce Queentreatment?” He grabbed my shoulders and spun me around to face him.

“Just because we fucked, doesn’t mean you now have a say in anything I do. It was a onetime thing, Thane, and I intend on keeping it that way. I’ve already moved on. Perhaps you should do the same,” I told him firmly.

He simply stared at me. It wasn’t likely the type of response he was used to getting from a woman. I could tell he was shocked that I didn’t jump at the chance to have him inside me again as soon as possible. Believe me, I wanted to feel him deep, really deep, but my friendship with Lila meant more to me than having sex with her big brother.

