“Whoareyou? How dare you say these awful things about Julian.” Anger swept over her delicate features, and she put her hands on her hips.

“Oh, my. I’m so sorry. I thought he would have told you about the schedule. Monday is not good for you? I suppose Patty could switch out her Tuesday nights, but you’ll have to talk to her about it yourself. I’m not sure if she has something going on Monday nights.” I opened the contact app on my phone. “Hold on. I can get you Patty’s number.” I pretended to scroll through my contacts, looking for Patty’s name.

“You’re an awful person and should be ashamed of yourself, spreading such lies about a good man like Julian. Get away from me!” She gave me a look of disgust.

“Oh, okay. I understand. Well, I suppose you can work it out yourself, but the other girls can get pretty mean if you don’t agree to the schedule.” I grinned as I saw her practically run to Julian’s side. I hid behind a tree and peeked out to watch them argue. Julian looked around, trying to find me. I walked quickly over to the bathroom and changed. I brought a different top, hat, and glasses and tied my hair up. Hopefully,Denisewouldn’t figure it out.

I made it back to the mainland without Julian approaching me. Denise sat with her arms folded across her chest and a scowl on her face, and they didn’t speak once the whole way back. Julian’s head was swiveling back and forth between myself and two other ladies, although his gaze rested on me most of the time. I knew I’d been found out, but I didn’t care.

I made a quick dash for my car and pulled out of the lot, driving much faster than I should, knowing it likely gave me away. I was just so pleased with how it turned out and was looking forward to meeting Addison for some shopping.

* * *

We’d beenin and out of several shops when Addison asked me if I minded if she went into another store. “Sure, of course, whatever you like. I’ll just wait here.”

Preoccupied with my earlier escapade, I didn’t even notice when someone was standing right beside me. “I know it was you, Darcy.” My breath caught in my throat, and I tried not to look at him.

“Julian, what a surprise to see you here!” I had no other choice but to play dumb.

“Let me tell you a secret. Leave me alone, or you’ll live to regret the day you ever met me. You have no idea who you’re toying with, and you won’t get away unscathed,” Julian warned me. “You and the other ones. I know what you’ve all been doing. It’s not going to work.”

“Oh, but Julian, I already do regret the day I met you. We all do. The mere fact that you had to follow me here and warn me shows that we’re getting to you, and you don’t like it. Don’t worry. We won’t stop until we get justice.” I risked a sideways glance at him. I’d forgotten just how gorgeous he was. Looking away quickly, I clenched my jaw. I couldn’t look at him and keep my sanity.

He snickered. “Don’t blame me when you get burned, bitch.”

“You’re going to rot in hell, right where you belong, asshole,” I yelled after him.

I let my breath out. My heart was thundering in my chest, and I suddenly felt a little dizzy.

“Sis, are you okay? You look like something’s really bothering you,” Addison said, putting her hand on my back.

“Don’t worry about it, Addy. The thing that’s bothering me won’t be for very much longer.” I hoped I was right. I needed to be right.



Shopping for a new electronic was always a three-step process for me. Find several options based on my specific criteria, read every review I can get my hands on, then go to several store locations and talk with the salespeople, comparing what they say. This was my third store this afternoon, and I hoped it would result in a purchase. I had narrowed it down to two different guitar amps but wanted to test them out before making the final decision.

I’d tried the first one and was just hooking my guitar up to the second one when I saw Darcy’s sister, Addison, go into the electronics store across the street. I decided to go see if I could assist her because a lot of salespeople will say anything to make the sale. I didn’t want her to get bad advice. She seemed to follow one of the salespeople over to the television sets. I watched her as she listened to the person tell her about her TV choices and was about to go over and offer my assistance when I saw Julian Fletcher walk over to her. I straightened my back and moved closer so that I could hear everything he said.

I knew this was the guy that had caused Lila, Remi, Shellene, and Darcy to form the Broken Hearts Club (something I personally thought was ridiculously childish), but I wasn’t sure of all the details. I remembered Lila telling me something about how he’d dated all of them, except Darcy, at the same time to see if they would figure it out. Asshole. It was guys like him that gave guys like me a bad name.

He was introducing himself and telling her that he would be glad to help her make the best choice. Addison was gushing as he explained which one he thought she should buy. He wasn’t wrong. I had to hand it to him, he really knew how to charm the ladies. Addison was falling for it, hard. I was actually getting some tips just listening to him. Not just how to charm the ladies but also what not to say; he was laying it on too thick, but it worked on the naive ones, like Addison.

It looked like Addison decided to go with a 65-inch TV (which I thought was too big for her bedroom, but what did I know), so the salesperson met her at the cash register.

Addison and Julian went outside and put the TV in her car. I figured I had two options. Buy my amp today and lose them or come back later and follow them now to see what happens. I went with the second choice because it seemed way more interesting.

I followed them outside, making sure that Addison didn’t see me. They stood beside her car chatting. I couldn’t quite get close enough to hear what they were saying, but she looked like she was hanging onto his every word. I saw her head nod a lot, and she was one of those who spoke with her hands. And her huge smile was almost embarrassing.

I was getting restless and hoped they would wrap it up soon, so I could carry on with my day. I felt like a spy, getting dirt on someone, and it was kind of fun. Maybe I should become a private investigator.Who am I kidding?It sounded like too much work.

Luck was on my side because Addison was getting into her car, but then I heard Julian say, “Just follow me. It’s only about five minutes from here.”

What the hell?What’s five minutes from here?I went to my car as quickly as possible and ensured I was behind Addison as they drove wherever they were going.

They ended up at a Mediterranean restaurant and went inside to get a table. I sat in the car for a few minutes debating what I should do. Not wanting to risk Addison or Julian seeing me, I put on my sunglasses and waited until I knew they would be seated. I entered the restaurant and was happy to see it was a large room with many tables, so I was less likely to be noticed. They were seated in the corner with their backs to me.