“Thirty years young,” I replied. I couldn’t get over how much she looked like her older sister, but her demeanor and personality were quite the opposite. It was fine by me because I didn’t think I could handle another woman like Darcy. One was enough. Not that she was my woman to handle, yet.

She came up behind me like a wolf stalking its prey and scared the living shit out of me when she said, “I forgot to thank you for helping me with my tire.”

I jumped and spun around. “I didn’t mind doing it,” I responded, making sure she understood that she owed me, and she would have no idea when I would call it in. Darcy shifted on her feet back and forth, signaling that she was either uncomfortable talking to me or she was feeling nervous about being so close to me. I decided it was the latter and ran with it. “I’m sure I’ll need you to return the favor at some point.” I suddenly realized how very aware of her femininity I was, and it unnerved me that she had that effect on me.

Darcy glared at me but didn’t have time to say anything because a tall blond guy grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her on the cheek. “So, whose birthday is it, Darce?”

She awkwardly turned and smiled. “Dean, this is Thane, the birthday boy. Thane, meet Dean, my date.” She made sure she added that he was her date but swallowed and refused to look me in the eyes.

Her date? What did I miss? Since when did Darcy date?

This caught me off-guard, and then I was left wondering why I cared. I didn’t, but why did I want to punch the guy in the face? “Nice to meet you, Dean.” I extended my hand to him but had no desire to be “nice” to him. Or Darcy, for that matter.

“Oh, so you’re the reason why Darcy drove us all around town this morning to get you a birthday present. She was quite anxious about getting the right thing.”

The look on Darcy’s face was classic and confusing. Her cheeks flushed while she clenched her jaw and glared at her “date.” She clearly didn’t want me to know that piece of information. I grinned.

“That must have made you feel uncomfortable, her taking such time and consideration buying a gift for another guy?” I made sure I looked at Darcy while I said this. Anger took over her features as she tried to getDeanto follow her into the kitchen.

He had other plans. “You’re just a friend, so why should that make me feel jealous?” Dean looked me square in the eyes.

“Hmm. The best relationships come from being friends first,” I reminded him. The heated stare Darcy was giving me only egged me on. Her fiery personality made me wonder what she was like in the bedroom. Suddenly, I felt very jealous ofDean.

“Are you saying you’re my competition?” Dean straightened his back and puffed out his chest.

Now, this is getting interesting.“Nah, I wouldn’t date her if she was the last person on the planet.”

Dean furrowed his brows, and Darcy’s jaw dropped. Now things were getting real. “And why would that be?” Dean wanted to know.

I pursed my lips thoughtfully. “A few reasons. First, she’s my neighbor. Second, she’s a friend of my sister’s, and that’s never a good situation, and lastly, she’s not my type.” I said this last one a little more emphatically.

“Understood. I guess that leaves her all to me then,” Dean smiled and put his arm around Darcy.

She looked unimpressed. “What am I? Your property?” She slipped out of Dean’s reach and sauntered off to the other side of the room to talk to Addison, leaving us to stare after her. I loved the way her hair swished from side to side, so long and luscious. And those legs were enough to give me heart failure.

Get it together, Erickson!

* * *


The nerve of him, treating my date like that. Of course, I would expect nothing less than that from Thane. His social cues were not appropriate sometimes. Even though it irked me how he spoke to Dean, I was amused at his jealous behavior.Why am I happy he’s jealous?It made no sense to me.

When I saw Thane go into another room, I followed him. He was about to get a piece of my mind. I came up behind him and tapped his shoulder. Thane whirled around in surprise. Second time today.

“What was that?” I asked him, putting my hands on my hips.

He squinted down at me. “Whatever are you referring to?”

“Don't play innocent with me. You know exactly what I’m talking about, Erickson.”

“I was just making sure good ol’ Dean knew that I’m watching his every move.” He crossed his arms. “As your friend, that is,” he added, smiling.

“Why are you so infuriating? I don’t need your help or chaperone skills. I’m not even sure why you think I would. I can do just fine on my own, thank you very much.” I brushed past him, making sure I bumped his elbow on my way back over to Dean, who was standing talking with Shellene. The electricity that went through my body at Thane’s touch startled me and made me wonder why my body was suddenly reacting that way to him now. It never used to.What is wrong with me?

I wasn’t really sure it mattered anyway. Dean was just someone I occasionally went out on dates with when I wasn’t in a serious relationship, but I certainly wasn’t going to let Thane know that.

* * *