We hung up, and I sat down at the desk, so I could make a few more calls before I had to leave for my meeting downtown.

I had just punched in half the numbers on my phone when I heard something in the room. I stood up quickly, unsure what to do. It came from the corner, behind the room screen.

Someone stepped out from behind the screen, and it was at that moment when I saw Darcy’s shocked face that I realized she had heard everything Julian and I had talked about.

Can this really happen twice?

“Julian Fletcher? Are you kidding me!” Darcy snarled, fists clenched.

“He’s a great businessman and has a lot of connections. What’s wrong with that?” I asked her, holding her gaze steady with my own.

“What’s wrong with that? Julian is a shady character, that’s what. What has me more concerned than you doing business with him is what yourbusinessis,” Darcy whispered.

“What are you talking about, Darcy? I’m just putting up some new chic condos,” I explained.

“No, you’re not. You’re kicking people out of their homes, so you can turn those apartments into pricey condos to make yourself some money. Like you don’t have enough money as it is!” Darcy’s voice was getting louder the angrier she got.

“I don’t get why you think this is your business,” I said firmly.

Darcy’s jaw dropped. She slammed both her hands down on the desk and leaned forward into my face like a rabid dog. “Not my business? I was one of those people, Thane. I was one of those people who got thrown from my home. I was only six the first time it happened. It took us three months to find somewhere to live. We had to live on the streets for THREE MONTHS!” She turned away so I couldn’t see the tears in her eyes, but I could hear them in her voice. She faced me again, wiping her eyes with her hand.

“The second time it happened, I was fourteen. Although we didn’t live on the streets then, we had to live in a shelter for seven months until I got a few jobs to support us. The third time it happened, I was twenty-two. Three years ago, Thane. That’s when I got the job with Lila’s mom at her clinic as a criminologist. That’s also why Lila asked me to move in here. Because I had nowhere else to go.

“So, don’t tell that asshole, Julian, that those tenants will be just fine. You don’t know that. You don’t know what hell they might be going through. You, in your fancy house over there. You, who owns this property and more just like it and drive your fancy car, and act like you’re God’s gift to man. You… you… fucking asshole!” She stood up straight and walked out of the office as fast as possible.

I stood there, stunned.

* * *


“Darcy? I’m so glad I found you,” Shellene said, rushing into the kitchen. “Are you free for about an hour?”

“Sure, what’s wrong? Shellene, why do you look so upset?” I rushed over to her side, rubbing her back in comfort.

“My older sister, Sindy, has been in a car accident. They said she would be fine but that she is calling for me. I have to go,” she said, tears filling her eyes. “Drunk driver ran her off the road and left the accident scene. Her car is totaled. Apparently, the drunk driver ended up smashing into a tree further down the road and is now in a coma and paralyzed.”

“Wow. I’m so sorry. I’ll drive you to the hospital,” I offered.

“That’s okay. I’m fine. I offered to take care of Thane’s dogs this afternoon for an hour. Would you mind doing that for me?” Shellene’s soft features were brushed with concern.

“Of course. Don’t worry about a thing. What do I have to do?”

“Here’s the key, and the instructions are written on the fridge. Be careful when you go in because Little Rascal likes to try and run out, and she’ll run down the street and disappear into someone’s yard. I’ve had it happen to me once. Other than that, it’s pretty straightforward,” Shellene explained as she opened the front door, anxious to get to her sister.

“Call me if you need me, okay?” I gave her a big hug before she hurried out to her car.

I looked at the time and figured I’d go over in about an hour. I decided to go for a quick swim before I went over to Thane’s. I didn’t feel like going over there, but I calmed my nerves by reminding myself that, thankfully, he wouldn’t be there.

Wanting to get it over with, I went over to Thane’s a little earlier and let myself in. I should go make a copy of this key, then I could sneak into his house when he wasn’t there and move things around, making him think he was crazy. I stood still for a moment, imagining this.Nah, that was even low for me.But it would be hilarious.

Buster, the Great Dane, was the first to greet me at the door. He was dark gray and came up to my waist. I didn’t like dogs, but I did like Great Danes. My friend, Lena, had one when I was in public school, and we had so much fun with him. We would dress him up in doll clothes, paint his toenails, and ride him like a horse. They are very docile, but don’t ever try to outrun one.

I caught Little Rascal just as she was trying to cross the doorframe. “You really live up to your name, don’t you?” I rubbed noses with her, and she licked my lips. I held her away and made a face of disgust. “Gross, don’t do that. Don’t you know you have to go on a few dates before you get to kiss someone?” Little Rascal tilted her head and barked.

“You need a breath mint. Doesn’t your daddy ever brush your teeth?” I sniffed her fur and decided she was going to get a bath as well.

In the back was Chance, looking so much healthier than when I’d first met him. It was nice to see him so happy and healthy. Thane had done a great job with him. I hated that there was something positive that he did. I wanted to despise him completely, but his rescue of these three dogs really pulled at my heartstrings.