I looked over at Darcy, who was chatting it up with Lyle. “What’s she doing over there?”

“I think she’s trying to get someone to switch with her. Forsome reason, she wants to ride the rest of the way with them,” Lila answered.

Really, Darcy? What a bitch.

“Well, if she’s not back in one minute, I’m leaving without her, and she can ride on their roof for all I care.” There was a little more anger in my words than I’d intended. Jealousy was a terrible thing.

Lila picked up on it immediately. “Jeez, what’s gotten into you?”

“Just want to get to the hotel and chill,” I said, honking the horn. Darcy stopped talking and looked over at us. I held my hands up with the “what are you doing?” gesture.

She started toward us immediately. As soon as she reached the car and was about to open the door, I lightly stepped on the gas, causing the car to lurch forward. Darcy jumped back. I laughed. God damn was she ever a sight for sore eyes, and I wanted to ravish her in the back seat but didn’t think Lila would appreciate that. She tried it again, so I stepped on the gas again.

I opened the back window and Lila yelled, “Get in. He won’t do it again, I promise.” Lila looked at me and said, “Because if he does, he’ll have to answer to me.”

I laughed a big hearty laugh while Darcy got in the car. “For fuck’s sake, Thane. How old are you? Two?”

“Ohhh, I’m shaking, Darcy. You’resoscary.” She was right. Itwaschildish, but she brought it out of me. “They wouldn’t have you in their car? Pity. It would have been nice not being insulted for the next thirty minutes,” I said to Darcy.

“I’m going to suck it up, but you might want to sleep with one eye open tonight,” she threatened.

“Like you could take me on. Even in my sleep, I’d win,” I challenged her.

She held up her middle fingers and went back to talking with Lila.

“Cluck, cluck, cluck,” I said, ignoring the scowls from the two most beautiful women I’d ever laid eyes on.

* * *


When we got to our log cabin, we all grabbed our belongings and went inside to warm up since it had started snowing. I rubbed my hands together and blew hot air into them while Lila and Evan checked the place out. We all gathered in the spacious living room and discussed who would get which room. Lila and Evan took the master bedroom on the third floor since they were paying for the trip, and with Lila pregnant, she deserved it the most. It had a private bathroom, which was perfect for them.

Addison and I took a bedroom, while Shellene and Remi took the other one. “Wow, only two bathrooms for five girls and four guys. Could be dangerous,” Thane said.

“I happen to know that you take more time in the bathroom getting ready than all four of us combined,” Lila said, staring at her brother, daring him to argue.

“We can’t all wake up drop-dead gorgeous like you, little sister.” He grinned, smoothing his hair back.

Lila isn’t the only one that’s drop-dead gorgeous. Shit! Where did that thought come from? What’s wrong with me? Why am I noticing Thane’s looks lately?I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to calm my nerves after the long trip.That’s what it is. The jet lag is getting to me. What else could it possibly be?

Lyle, Thane, and Regan each took a room on the main floor. After a long day of traveling, sitting down for a nice quiet evening sounded like a dream. However, my friends had another idea. Shellene, who was forever trying to get everyone to interact with each other, suggested we play a game of Pictionary. It was probably the last thing I wanted to do, but she seemed so happy about it that I felt compelled to participate.

“Guys against gals or two leaders who pick their team?” Remi asked.

“Guys against gals,” Thane said quickly. “There are five girls and four guys, so that should be even.”

“What are you saying there, Thane?” I questioned. “That the intelligence of five girls is equivalent to that of four guys?” I put my hands on my hips, but my confidence dropped slightly when my body started reacting to the sheer maleness of him.

“Hmm, maybe you’re more intelligent than I gave you credit for,” he said, laughing.

“I ought to smack you upside the head,” I told him, raising my hand.

Thane held his hands up in front of him. “Hey, no need to get physical. Pictionary is a non-contact activity.”

“Guys, let's start playing. Since the guys have one less player, they can have the option of going first,” Shellene said, trying to calm us down. God love her.

Lyle drew a monster and a chocolate chip cookie. I knew it almost instantly and had to keep myself from yelling out the answer. I couldn’t believe Thane, Evan, and Regan couldn’t get it. Lyle looked at me, and I mouthed the answer to him. He smiled broadly and flashed me a set of white, straight teeth. I studied him as he tried to get the guys to guess the correct answer. He was very handsome. Short, dark-brown, wavy hair, deep brown eyes, a tall, muscular build, and the most adorable dimple in his chin that dazzled me and made me feel giddy. When he smiled at me in his lazy way, it made my toes tingle, and I was sure that I blushed 10 different shades of red.