Page 60 of Obsessive Union

I shake my head. “I’ll kill them. Dante, I want my son.”

The EMT’s carefully lift Gabby onto a gurney.

“We’re going to get him back,” he promises me. “We’ll burn this fucking world to ashes if we have to.”

“I failed her,” I tell him, hating that I haven’t been able to protect her.

“No,” Nikolai says vehemently. “They would have waited until you were gone. They would have been watching. There was nothing you could have done, Alessio. They were going to come when you were gone.”

I pin the man with a glare. “Awfully convenient that you’re in town when it happens.”

The fucker smirks. “You’re right to be distrustful, Alessio, but I did not do this. I’m not the man to lie about this. Had I done it, I’d tell you.”

He’s right. The man’s a fucking asshole on the best days, but he’d claim the assholeness.

“Then who the fuck did?” I need to know who the fuck harmed my woman and stole my child.

“We’re going to the hospital,” Dante says as he grips my shoulder. “I want everyone out on the street. Find out whateverthe fuck you can. This is a priority. I don’t care what you do, or how you do it, I want Anthony found, and the cunts who did this, dead.”

Chapter 24


Iwake up to a beeping sound. It’s constant and terrifying. My entire body feels as though it’s been hit by a semi. I’m in pain everywhere.

I swallow and instantly regret it. Doing so feels like shards of glass are stabbing my throat.

Opening my eyes is difficult, painful, and one doesn’t budge. I grit my teeth and sit up. I’m confused, dizzy, and disorientated. I glance around the room I’m in and see that I’m in a hospital. I suck in a sharp breath and wince as everything comes rushing back to me. The pain is from the men who broke into Alessio’s apartment; the heaviness on my chest is from the worry I have about my son.

Anthony. God, I need to find him.

I gingerly get to my feet. I can’t be here. I need to find my baby. I sway once I’m standing, but I lock my knees and keep upright. I can’t drop. I don’t have time. I need to find Anthony. I take a step toward the door, gritting my teeth as pain ricochets through my foot.

How long was I out for? My foot has been put in a cast. I knew it was broken but fuck, I’ve been asleep too long. Where’s Alessio?

The beeping sound gets faster and louder, making my head pound. Something tugs at my arms, and I realize I’m hooked to machines. No, I can’t be. I need to leave. I need to find my baby. I reach for the tubes and pull, uncaring about the extra pain it brings, nor do I care about the blood that pours from the wounds.

I move toward the door and push past the pain and the dizziness. I focus on what I need to do. If I don’t, I’m going to be on the floor crying with how sore I am.

“Miss,” I hear cried. “You cannot be out of bed.” The nurse hurries toward me and causes a commotion the moment I step out of the room.

“Don’t,” I grit, trembling with pain. “I am not staying here. Give me whatever the hell I need to sign. I need to go.”

“Ma’am,” someone else says, their voice closer to me. They’re on my left side, I’m unable to see them, because of my eye. “Please, Ma’am, let me help you back into bed.” They put their hand on me, and I recoil from their touch.

“Don’t touch me,” I yell, unable to have anyone touch me right now. I just want Alessio and Anthony. “I need to go.”

“Ma’am, you’re in no fit state to go anywhere.” They try to get me to see reason, but I’m not listening. I push forward once again, determined to get the hell out of here.

“Someone call the doctor,” the first nurse shouts as she gets closer to me. “Please, Ms. Sanchez, you’re in a really bad way. You need to be in bed.”

I look at the woman, and through the blurriness of my eyes, I see the worriedness in her own.

“I can’t,” I plead with her to understand. “I need to find my baby. Please don’t make me stay.”

“You can’t leave,” she says.

Someone grabs my arm, trying to pull me back to the room.