Page 57 of Obsessive Union

“Ales,” I breathe.

They’re here.

“Baby, talk to me.” The urgency in his voice is clear to hear, but I’m so focused on the footsteps that are growing ever so closer that I’m paralyzed with fear.

The door to Anthony’s bedroom opens, and within seconds, I’m surrounded by seven men. All I can see is the whites of their eyes. They’re angry, and they’re speaking in another language, one I’m unsure of but think is Eastern European.

“Move bitch,” one of the men snarls.

I shake my head. No. I will not let them take my baby.

“Leave,” I yell, hoping and praying that someone is in the apartment complex and they’ll hear me. “Leave now.”

A dark laughter chills me to the bone.

“Not going to happen,” the smaller of the men says as he steps forward and viciously punches me in the stomach.

I lurch forward, dropping my cell as the breath is taken from me and pain erupts from my belly. Tears tumble down my face.

“No,” I gasp, as I surge forward, trying to get the man to stop moving toward Anthony. It’s no use though. I’m savagely punched in the face. Blood spurts from my nose and lip, and I crumble to the floor from the sheer force of it. My eyes begin to blur from the blow, but I’m able to see the man reach for my baby.

“No!” I scream once again.

“Momma,” Anthony yells, fear and worry in his voice.

My heart breaks at hearing his fear. I need to get to him.

God, Alessio, please come home.

A foot connects with my leg, and the sound of bone breaking fills the air, along with my scream of pain. I try to push through it. I twist my body, my hands clawing at the floor, and I try topull myself along, needing to get to Anthony. But the man who’s got him is already walking out of the door. I’m not going to make it to him in time.

A hand fists in my hair, dragging me backward. My back arches at the sheer brutality. I struggle against the hold but it’s useless. He’s too strong. I fight as hard as I can, clawing at him, kicking at him. It’s no use. He’s bigger and stronger than I am. My efforts are futile.

He throws me to the floor once again, delivering a swift kick to my stomach that has me rolling onto my back. Within seconds, his weight is on top of me, his fists punching at my face. I claw at him, pulling and scratching at his face, clothes, and neck. I’ll be damned if I let this bastard get away unscathed.

I need to do all I can to prolong this torture so Ales can get here. He’ll be able to see who took our son and then get him back.

I hear laughter and glance around the room, and see there are three men still here.

I swallow hard. God, please don’t hurt me anymore. I can’t bear to think what they may actually do to me.

“Tell that Italian bastard his time as boss is coming to an end, as is his whore of a wife’s.”

I’m once again delivered a punch to my face, just as the other men close in on me. My eyes close from the pain and from the dizziness I feel. I swallow back the bile that rises once again. I need to get Anthony. I need my baby.

I lie on the floor, unable to move, but that doesn’t stop these assholes. They kick, punch, and beat me. The pain I feel is unlike anything I’ve ever felt.

“You’re going to die,” I croak when they finally stop. I’m in way too much pain. I’m floating on the edge of consciousness. “You’re going to die painfully.”

Whether it be at my father’s or Alessio’s hands, these men are going to die, that much I know for sure. I’m a lover, not a fighter, but these men deserve everything they’re going to get. They’ve taken my son, and I have no idea if he’s okay. I can’t get to him. I’m stuck here on this floor, tears streaming down my face, as I stare at the man who’s beaten me the most.

The spider tattoo has a jagged scar running through it that I’m able to see partially on his shoulder. It’s the only thing I’m able to identify.

“No,” he snarls as he moves into my space once again. “They’re going to die.” He lifts his foot, and I know I’m not going to survive this. I just pray that Alessio finds our boy.

His foot connects with my face, and darkness takes over.

Chapter 23