Page 41 of Obsessive Union

“Not your business,” Gabriella replies. Great. Fucking great. The last thing I need is these two at each other’s throats constantly.

Makenna’s eyes narrow. “Why did you keep his child a secret from him?”

“Because we had—” Gabriella begins and pauses before glancing at our son, who’s still in Malcolm’s arms, “S-E-X a few times and then he disappeared. What would you have done in my situation? Waited for him to return or got on with your life. I for sure wasn’t waiting around. He may never have returned.”

I was always going to return, and that’s something I need Gabriella to understand. She wasn’t just a woman I fucked. She was something a fuck of a lot more than that. She’s become my obsession. I wasn’t going to stop looking for her.

Makenna doesn’t respond. Instead, she nods. She doesn’t look happy, but thankfully, she’s not pushing the subject.

“Now, I understand that as Alessio’s brother,” she says to Dante, “you feel as though you deserve answers, and you do. But you don’t get to show up at my home and demand them. This is my son’s safe place. Having people he doesn’t know show up isn’t fair on him or me.” Her tone is polite, but it has a bite to it.

“I invited them,” I lie. I warned them not to come, but of course, my brother has other ideas. You don’t tell him or Makenna what to do. They do whatever the fuck they want.

“Wasn’t your place to do so,” she fires back. “Now that they’re here, will there be any more family members turning up?”

No, there fucking shouldn’t be. Dante called, wanting to know what the hell happened. He’s pissed. I get it. I didn’t tell him about Gabriella when it happened and no doubt when we’re alone, he’ll demand answers, but right now, this ain’t the time. A look passes between him and Makenna. I grit my teeth, knowing damn well that means Romero and Holly will be on their way.


“Should be outside,” Dante replies with a smirk. He knows damn well that I said I’d talk to him later, that right now I need to focus on sorting things out with Gabriella and ensuring we’re on the same page before my crazy fucking family descend on her.

Makenna will always be standoffish with everyone. The woman has been burned too many times in the past to be trusting. I get that. Fuck, I respect that. But I won’t tolerate the bullshit any longer. Gabriella is the mother of my child, and she’s not going anywhere.

“I’ll let them in.” Malcolm says as he leaves the room with my son in his arms. The man is completely comfortable with my child, and I fucking hate that.

“Other than your brother and Holly, am I expecting any more family members?” Gabriella asks softly. Gone is her anger.Instead, she looks defeated and tired. I fucking hate that she has that look, and I know she’s probably feeling as though I betrayed her by inviting everyone, something I’ll be making sure my brothers know was not fucking okay.

“No, Gabriella,” I say sternly, giving Dante and Makenna a pointed look, letting them both know I’m beyond pissed.

“He calls you Gabriella?” Raylee questions, her eyes wide and her voice shaky.

“Told you, Ray-Ray, it was just a couple of nights,” she responds, her gaze moving past Raylee and toward the door, where Rome and Holly are walking in with Malcolm on their heels.

“But you hate being called that,” she points out. “Have you told him that?”

Gabriella shakes her head. “We didn’t get much time to talk before I was ganged up on.”

Oh, she’s pissed. No doubt she’ll let me know just how much when everyone is gone.

“Family takes care of family,” Makenna snipes. “You kept his child away from him for years. Do you really think we’re going to let you walk away again?”

Gabriella stares blankly at Makenna. “You do not have a say in anything I do. You may be the boss in New York and the east of the country, but you’re not here. I don’t take orders from you, and I sure as fuck don’t owe you an explanation for anything I do.”

“Okay,” Holly says, stepping in, no doubt sensing her aunt is about to lose her damn mind, and if she goes for Gabriella, I’ll be stepping in. “Gabby, I understand there’s a lot of people in your house, and you’re undoubtedly annoyed about that, but you have to understand that we’re Alessio’s family and we’re trying to figure things out.”

Raylee huffs as she crosses her arms over her chest. She, along with Malcolm and Gabriella, are all looking at me expectantly.

“Seeing as Alessio has nothing to say about this matter,” Raylee begins, “I think it’s best if you all leave.”

“Ray, you don’t want to do this,” Holly implores. “Don’t let this cause us to fall out.”

“Enough,” Gabriella hisses. “Don’t you dare try and make my best friend, my sister, feel guilty for sticking up for me. Just because you think Alessio can’t make choices for himself, it doesn’t give you the right to try and railroad me. Raylee can say and do whatever the hell she likes, just like you all have.”


“She’s right, Hol. You’ve all pushed your way into her home and demanded answers for something that doesn’t involve any of you.” Raylee hisses. “Had you listened to Alessio, you’d have found out that he had this under control. But all you’ve done is made things harder for him. He was getting to know his son, spending time with him and talking with Gabby. Now we’re all here and you’re acting as though you’ve never made choices that affected anyone else. What Gabby chose to do four years ago is her damn choice and no one, and I mean no one, other than Alessio has an opinion on it. Do I make myself clear?” My best friend is shaking with anger, her eyes flashing with rage. I don’t remember the last time she was this angry.

‘Told you Mo Stor, she’d have been better off with Christian,” Malcolm says. “At least no one was in her business.”