Page 31 of Obsessive Union

Stefan nods in agreement. “Exactly. By helping us out, he also gets to know just what we’ve found out. He could be waiting until we get close to finding out who, and then attack. We’d never see it coming, as he’s played the part of being an ally so cleverly.”

Dante’s eyes darken. “I’m far from stupid. You keep your friends close and enemies closer, Stefan. Maksim isn’t going to know anything we find out. I haven’t been giving him details on anything we’ve uncovered.”

Makenna nods. “You should know by now, Stefan, that we’re distrusting people at the best of times. Just because we handed Maksim a million-dollar business, doesn’t mean we’re fools. The stables of women aren’t something we’re interested in. Yes, bothFinn and Malcolm think it could be a lucrative business, but it’s not what I want. We do not need them.”

While I agree with Finn and Malcolm, having a stable of women would mean more ears to the ground. When men get horny and drunk, they spill secrets. It’s true. Having a whore house would attract influential clients such as politicians and higher ups in the police department. Whorehouses owned by criminals such as us would give these ass’s anonymity, and in doing so, would have them and their asshole friends frequenting the places. Those men get real talkative when they’re fucking around on their wives and partners. Pillow talk is never attractive.

“I’ll have Declan do a deep dive on every member of the Bratva,” Makenna sighs. “It’ll take him a while, but he’ll get it done.”

Declan joined us almost six months ago. The man has been a fucking Godsend. He’s a hacker. He’s barely an adult, the youngest member of the Clann. Since he joined Makenna’s ranks, he’s hacked almost every database we’re on. Declan’s managed to hack the FBI and DEA. Thankfully, they’re not any closer to figuring out what we’re doing. However, they had a search warrant for the Fury Vipers compound two months ago that Declan managed to uncover, giving Makenna enough time to warn Ace, so when the feds came calling, there was nothing for them to find.

“We’re traveling to Indianapolis next week,” Makenna announces once the talk of who the hell is after us has died down. At the moment, they’re probably trying to rebuild and find another way to come after us. Hopefully, we’ll uncover who it is before that. “Every family member is to be in attendance.”

I grin, loving that I don’t have to go. There are too many Gallaghers, and they’re popping kids out like it’s a fucking race. I’m not sure how many kids have been born since they all gotmarried off, but Makenna’s brother Denis takes the cake. The man has eight kids. That’s a small army in itself.

“Ales,” Dante chuckles. “You’re coming too.”

I grit my teeth. “Why?” I don’t go to these events. As much as I love my sisters-in-law, I do not need to be around their crazy family.

“Because it’s been almost five years, you’re family, and that means you’re coming,” Makenna tells me as she raises her brow, daring me to argue with her. “Adelina has been through hell, Ales, and she’s finally celebrating something, so your ass will be on a plane with the rest of us and we’ll be going to Hayden and Ade’s baby shower.”

I grind my jaw. This is bullshit. The fucking last thing I want to do is go to some baby shower. “Isn’t that shit for women anyway?” I ask.

Dante and Rome chuckle, but I can see in both of their faces that they’d rather be anywhere than at the celebration. Talk of births, babies, and God knows what, is something I want no participation in.

“You’ll enjoy it,” Holly assures me. “It’ll be fun.”

“Doll face,” Rome says with a smirk. “Nothing about it will be fun.”

I sigh, knowing there’s no way in hell I’ll be able to get out of this. “Fine, but there had better be alcohol.”

Makenna beams at me. She’s all about her family and ensuring they’re all happy. I still don’t understand why the fuck I have to be there. But whatever it takes to keep the boss happy.

“So, what’s happened?” Rome asks once we leave the Gallagher mansion. “I can tell by your face that it’s something to do with Gabriella, so what is it?”

Ever since I told him about what went down, Romero has done everything in his power to help me find her. Not only do I have an investigator looking for her, but he does also.

“Thomas said he picked up her trail in Louisville, Kentucky, but when he got there, she was gone.”

He shakes his head. “How the fuck can one woman disappear? She’s evaded both men over the past four years. What the fuck did you do to her?”

I roll my eyes at the fucker. “Nothing,” I say, knowing I did a fuck of a lot more than that. I promised her I’d be back, and she thought I was full of shit. Turns out, I was. The Famiglia comes first. The shit we had going on needed my full attention, although, that was something I could never do. The moment I saw Gabriella, I wanted her, but when she saved me, put her neck on the line for me, I knew I’d have her. But the more I fucked her, the more I knew it was more than just lust and want. I became obsessed, and nothing has diminished that obsession over the four years. It’s been simmering on the surface as we’ve tried to find her.

“We’re heading to Indianapolis, Ales. That's what… a two-hour drive from Indianapolis to Kentucky? Use the time we’re there to find her. You’ll be able to do some digging and see where she was, and maybe, you’ll be able to find out where she headed.”

A slow smile forms on my lips. Fuck. He’s right. Maybe going to this baby shower won’t be so bad after all.

Chapter 13


“Sweetheart, are you okay?” my dad asks as I sink down on the sofa. I’m beyond tired. I just want to crawl into bed and sleep. “You’ve been working nonstop; you need a little break.”

I laugh. “Break? What’s that?” I have a three-year-old boy who has more energy than should be allowed. He’s energetic, funny, and is the double of his father. Every time I look into Anthony’s face, I see Alessio.

“Funny,” Dad grins. “But you’ve worked your ass off these past four years and you’re an amazing mom. While you’re here, take a load off and let me spoil you and the boy.”

I smile at him. He’s really trying. As much as he was a shitty dad to me while I was growing up, he’s been an amazing grandfather to Anthony. The two of them get along like a house on fire. I’m so glad my baby has that relationship.