Page 28 of Obsessive Union

It’s true. Melissa will keep tabs on the hospital reports of anyone admitted with serious burns. If it’s one of thesefuckers, we’ll have them killed before they can speak about what happened.

Now this is over, it’s time to focus on finding my woman.

“Mr Bianchi,” the woman says with a smile. “We have a deal.”

I nod, glaring at her outstretched hand. “Good, make sure it’s taken off the market today.”

She blusters at my abruptness. “Of course,” she says, trying to continue acting professionally. “The owner is looking for a fast sale. With you paying cash, this shouldn’t take too long.”

“Good,” I grunt, and I turn on my heels and move up the stairs.

Even though everything is gone, I can still smell her. Gabriella’s scent lingers in the air and that fucking bitch downstairs has been flirting with me non-stop since I came to view the house. Hell, I didn’t even let her get her over-rehearsed speech out. I told her I’d take it, full asking price, in cash. It was an offer no one could refuse.

I move to the bedroom, the last place I saw her. My hands ball into fists. How the fuck did this happen? How the fuck did I lose my woman?

I scrub my hands down my face. Fuck.

“Mr. Bianchi,” the bitch of a realtor purrs as she comes up the stairs.

“Out,” I snap as I turn and face her.

The smile falls from her face. “What?” she breathes.

“Get the fuck out. Your services are no longer needed. Now get the fuck out.”

She swallows hard and scurries away from me.

I take another steadying breath. This isn’t over. Gabriella can only hide for so long.

“Don’t worry, Gabriella, I’ll find you, and when I do, I’m making you mine.”

Chapter 11


“Hey, Gabby,” Raylee whispers as she crawls onto the bed beside me. Her arm curls around my side and she holds me tight. “Are you doing okay?”

“Yeah,” I whisper, even though it’s a bold-faced lie.

I’m numb. I still have that sense of loss, that I’m drifting away at sea. Sometimes it’s as though I’m having an outer body experience and watching it happen. Everyone has been amazing and supportive, especially my dad and Raylee. They have been with me every step of the way. My dad organized the funeral the way I wanted it, but I didn’t have to do anything except tell him how I wanted it. He had to return to the States today, and having him gone, hurts, but Raylee is here and she’s helping me through it.

“You always were a bad liar,” she says with a soft laugh. “God, remember the last time we were like this?”

I swallow back the sob. The last time Raylee and I were lying in bed holding one another was the day of Mayer’s funeral, something neither of us will ever forget. His death will always be with us.

“If he were here, he’d tell me to get up and stop crying.”

Ray laughs. “He’d tell you to stop being a girl.”

I smile. It was totally like May to say that. Even though we were his best friends, there were pieces of himself he never gave to us. He wanted to hide the darkness he had inside of him. Little did he know that Ray and I would have never judged him. We knew he held back but we let him do what he needed. He was protective of us both. He’d do whatever he could to ensure we were safe, and he died protecting Raylee—something she cries about even to this day. But Mayer died due to being betrayed by the one man who should have protected him.

“How are you really, Gabs?” she asks, and I turn over so I’m lying on my back. “You’ve lost so much weight since the last time I saw you. Are you eating?”

“I’m okay,” I promise her. “I’m tired, I’m numb. It doesn’t feel real. I expect to get a call from her at any moment.”

Raylee’s hand grips mine. “I’m so sorry, Gabby,” she whispers. “So, so sorry.”

I swallow past the lump in my throat. I can’t speak. I don’t even know what to say. It’s been a week and it still feels surreal. How am I meant to go on without her?