Page 70 of Obsessive Union

“I trust Alessio with my life,” I tell her honestly.

She looks at me with curiosity. “You love him, don’t you?”

“With everything that I am. If truth be told, I fell in love with him four years ago. It hurt that he didn’t come back.”

Since I woke up after falling asleep when she first arrived, we’ve spoken about everything, including my reasonings for keeping Anthony a secret. She may not like what I did—hell, she may not even think my reasons are valid—but she sat beside me and listened without judging—out loud anyway. She’s been a huge support, something I hadn’t imagined.

“He loves you too,” she says. “These Bianchi men had a hard time growing up, Gabs. They didn’t feel love until they met their wives, or in Alessio’s case, you. Just give him time.”

“I know. Alessio’s told me all about his childhood.” Her eyes widen in shock at my words. “Alessio was hurt deeply as a child. He felt alone, abandoned, and ashamed. In his eyes, no one has cared for him just because. He told me about what happened at your wedding, and how you cared for him. He believes that you did that for Dante, because he’s family.”

Her lips part, and she makes the letter ‘O’.

“In his eyes, you all see him as the one who messed up, when technically he didn’t. He was working a job for his father, one he wanted to see out to the end. In his eyes, he was still working for the Famiglia. He wanted Dante to have a full report on what was going on when he took over. But instead of letting him explain, and understanding what he was doing, you treated him like the enemy.”

“He was in enemy territory, Gabs.”

“But did he know that it was enemy territory, or did he think he was still doing a job for the Famiglia?”

Her silence is enough of an answer for me. It’s something Alessio has moved on from, but he still feels the abandonment from it. “Alessio is more than a man who made a mistake. He’syour brother, an uncle to your children. He’s the man who will put his life on the line to save yours, and yet he has no clue that you value him as more than family. It hurts that he feels that.” My eyes fill with tears. I know that many families aren’t all about love and affection, but I want Alessio to know that no one sees him as this burden they have to watch out for.

“He loves you because of how purely you love him,” she muses. “I get it now. You’re good for him, Gabby. Probably the best thing that has ever happened to him. Welcome to the family.”

I smile. God, it feels so good to hear that.

The door opens, and my heart stutters to a stop when I see Alessio walk in with a sleepy Anthony in his arms. I can’t stop the onslaught of tears. I reach out my arms, pushing past the pain, wanting to hold the two of them, wanting to shower them with love.

Alessio doesn’t miss a beat. He steps over to me and presses his face into my neck. “He’s here, Mama,” he says softly. “He’s right here.”

“I love you,” I whisper as I press a kiss against my baby’s head. “God, Alessio, I love you.”

“Always, baby,” he promises me.

“Is he okay?” I ask as he gently rises and holds Anthony to me.

“He was drugged, but the doctors have checked him over. He’s recovering well and they’ll be getting a bed for him in here so we can both be with him.”

I nod, happy he’s organized that.

“What happened?” I ask, realizing we’re alone. Makenna’s gone.

Alessio tells me everything that went down, including Nikolai saving him. The same man who tried to have him killed. I’m sovery grateful to all the men who helped bring my son home to us safely.

“There’s no way I could ever repay them for what they have done for us, Ales.”

He presses a kiss against my head. “No, Mama, there isn’t. But they know the gratitude we have for them.”

The door opens once again, and a bed for Anthony is pushed into the room, followed by a multitude of doctors and nurses, all of whom want to check on both me and my son.

“Okay, baby, we have to talk,” Ales says once we’re alone again. Anthony is sleeping soundly in his bed, hooked up to a drip, but other than that, he’s doing okay. “Your dad wants me to take over Denver. He wants me to be the head of the Ranieri empire and promise him that when the time is right, to have Anthony take over.”

I swallow hard. God, Dad. I get why he’s done it. He’ll value and trust Alessio to be head, but that means having Anthony and I in the limelight. Is it something I want? No, but it’s Anthony’s birthright. It’s not something I can deny him.

“If it’s what you want, Ales, then I’m behind you.” I love Alessio despite the fact he’s a cold-blooded killer. I’m willing to do anything in my power to be with him, and for our family to be together, so if it means moving back to Denver, then so be it.

He smiles. “You’re fucking amazing, Mama. You know that?”

My cheeks heat at his words.