Page 37 of Obsessive Union

Chapter 15


My hands tremble as I drive away from Adelina’s house. God, I have to call her and apologize. I never meant to cause a scene at her party. That was the last thing I wanted. Hell, I never expected to walk into that backyard and see Alessio standing there, looking sexier than ever.

I quickly call my father, needing someone to talk to.

“Hey, sweetheart. Aren’t you going to Adelina’s baby shower?”

I pull in a shaky breath. “Anthony’s father was there,” I say, glancing through the rearview mirror and checking on my son, who’s smiling happily with his toy in his hand. He’s not paying attention to what I’m saying.

God, this is going to be so bad. Alessio’s so angry, not that I can blame him. But shit. I fucked up.

“What?” my dad hisses. “Gabby, tell me you’re fucking joking?”

“I wish I were. It’s like something out of my worst nightmare, Dad. What am I going to do?” All I want to do is break down and cry. Everything that I have built could be destroyed. Alessiohas every right to be angry and upset. He has an amazing son he knew nothing about.

“Start talking,” he demands.

So I do. I tell him everything that went down between Alessio and I, leaving out the sex parts. My father does not need to hear about those.

“You and Alessio Bianchi?” he asks. His voice is deceptively calm. “Why did you never tell me?”

“That I slept with a man? I don’t need to tell you about my love life, Dad. That’s never going to happen. As far as I was concerned, Alessio walked away. He could have called, but he didn’t.”

“You changed your cell number, Gabs. You didn’t give the man a chance, did you?”

The tears slowly begin their descent, and I leave them be as I focus on the road ahead of me.

“I did what I thought was right. Growing up second best hurt, Dad. It fucking shaped me into a mistrusting bitch, okay?” I snap. “So forgive me for thinking that a man who couldn’t keep his word, would do the same thing you did.” I sigh. “I’ve got to go. Alessio said he’ll be here in an hour.”

I end the call, not wanting to hear anything else. I know I fucked up. God, I’ve made some bad decisions in my life. Most I don’t regret, but today, seeing the hurt and anger in Alessio’s eyes has made me regret keeping Anthony from him.

Forty minutes later and I’ve got Anthony settled and playing in the living room while I pace the kitchen floor. My heart beats a mile a minute, and nothing I do is calming it down. I’m getting worked up, dreading what could happen. My mind is running wild. Ultimately, my worst nightmare could happen. Alessio could take Anthony from me. Once again, the tears fall freely as I grip a hold of the countertop.

Would he take my baby from me?

He’d have every right to. It’s what I did to him.

I begin to hyperventilate. The thought of being without my baby is almost too much to bear. I was wrong to keep my pregnancy from him, but I honestly believed it was the best thing for us all. My vision is blurry as I struggle to breathe, and tears continue to fall from my eyes. It’s like a damn waterfall right now, and there’s no off switch.

“Gabriella,” I hear a deep voice say. It sounds as though it’s in the distance. “Baby, I need you to breathe for me.”

Hands touch my face, and I listen to the voice speak. Something about the voice is calming and familiar. Once I’m able to try and regulate my breathing, I blink through the tears and see Alessio staring at me, worry etched in those deep amber eyes of his.

“That’s it, Mama, breathe for me.”

I sink into him and burst into tears once again. “I’m so sorry,” I whimper. “So damn sorry.”

His arms tighten around me, and he holds me as I sob against him. “You’ve got to calm down, Gabriella,” he says, and I’m surprised there’s no anger in his voice. “Look at me.”

I raise my head and look through my teary eyes and see the man who stole a piece of my heart four years ago. The air crackles around us, his eyes darken, and his cock thickens against my stomach.

“Alessio,” I whisper, unsure what the hell is going on.

“Gabriella, why did you leave?” he questions, not once letting go of me.

I lick my lips and prepare to bear my soul.