Page 53 of Love By the Bay

“The guy I met a week ago was an angry, damaged mess. This morning, even though he seemed distracted, he had this stupid goofy grin on his face that means only one thing in my experience.”

“What’s that?”

Lou smiles warmly at me. “It was the look of a man in love.” She shrugs off the comment, unaware she’s dropped a massive bombshell on my life. “I’ll get the number to you as soon as I get back. See you later.”

And with that she’s off, and I’m left standing in the middle of the bakery with my heart thudding loudly in my chest.

Later that afternoon, as promised, Lou sends me Brandon’s cell number. I sit for twenty minutes with my finger hovering over the green call button. He could’ve left me his number on the note but he didn’t. Was that on purpose? Did he not want me to contact him while he was away?

Jesus, I need to stop spiraling. He skipped out on work and my bed. If I want to call him, I’ll call him.

I press the screen and connect the call. But instead of ringing it just goes straight to the generic voicemail greeting. I hang up, check the number, and call again, but the same thing happens. I hang up and try not to let my imagination run wild — maybe he just turned his phone off because he’s driving. Or maybe his phone is dead. It doesn’t mean he’s avoiding my call.

I huff out a breath and tear into my second apple turnover — it seems like stress eating is going to be the order of the day unless I do something to change my mindset. To avoid eating the whole box, I put my boots on and prepare to take some of the dogs for a long walk around the meadow.

But as I watch them run and play in the wildflowers, I can only think about Brandon and the last time he was here, selecting and picking the flowers for the bouquet he brought to dinner. It was such a thoughtful gesture and so different from the gruff angry man I met in the bar that first night.

Perhaps our time together has changed him.

I know I’ve been changed and that scares the shit out of me. What if he comes back and decides I’m not what he wants? He’s been nomadic for so long. Maybe he won’t be able to break that habit and settle down in one place.

I close my eyes and blow out a breath. I can’t control what he does next, I remind myself. All I can say for sure is that I want Brandon. I want him in my life, in my bed, as part of my future. I just don’t know if he feels the same.

Chapter 11


Four days have passed with no word from Brandon. It’s no exaggeration to say that I’m going out of my mind. I’ve tried his number several times. It goes straight to voicemail every damn time, and I’m convinced he’s avoiding me.

When I bail on my standing Thursday night date with Livi and Jake to wallow in my own misery and self-doubt, I’m not really surprised when they knock on my door with takeout from the bar and a six-pack of beers.

“Jake, get the plates out while I knock some sense into my best friend here,” Livi says firmly, handing the bag of food to her husband and ushering me to the kitchen table.

“Yes ma’am,” he replies, giving her ass a light slap.

“Urgh, can you two please ease up on the PDA, it’s not helping my situation,” I grumble, flopping down into the chair next to my friend.

“I say this with love, sweetie, but you need to snap out of this.” Livi covers my hand with hers and squeezes. “You know what I went through when Jake went back to Coronado to sort his shit out. These military guys are laser-focused. I bet Brandon’s just trying to get done what needs doing so he can come back to you. You’ve read the note to me a million times and nothing in it says he’s not coming back.”

“My wife is making a lot of sense,” Jake adds, putting plates in front of us so he can serve up the burgers and fries. Usually my Thursday night meal is my cheat for the week, but tonight the smell of meat and fried potatoes makes my stomach churn. “If he’s had to go back to base to sort out things with Caesar, he may have a lot of red tape to wade through. If the dog hasn’t been discharged and was taken by that guy, they’re not just gonna let Brandon keep him.”

“I guess,” I say in a sulky voice, pushing my plate away. “I just wish he’d take two minutes to call to tell me what’s going on.”

As Livi and Jake dig into their food, I try to join in with their valiant efforts to talk about anything other than Brandon. But I just can’t get him out of my mind.

“I need some air,” I say as Jake clears the plates and loads them into the dishwasher.

“Want me to come?” Livi asks, standing with me.

“No, I think I just want to be alone for a minute.” I grab my jacket and head out onto the porch. I feel like I have a decision to make. I’ve been so miserable over the last few days and the last time I checked a new relationship shouldn’t feel like this.

But then who am I kidding? Brandon and I have never even talked about being in a relationship. We exchanged a few post-orgasmic utterances but nothing more. Perhaps I’ve built this all up in my head.

Sitting down on the porch swing I lean over, resting my forehead on my knees, letting out an exasperated breath. I stay like that until I hear the sound of an approaching vehicle and the distinctive sound of my gate opening and closing.

When I see headlights sweep up the drive, I allow my stupid romantic heart to hope that it’s Brandon finally returning to me. I stand and wrap my jacket around my body and slowly walk down the steps as the truck pulls up behind Jake’s.

More hope fills me when I hear the very distinctive sound of Caesar’s bark, but it doesn’t sound aggressive and fearful. It sounds excited, and if it’s possible, happy.