Page 47 of Love By the Bay

I devour her mouth like the Big Bad Wolf, and she surrenders to me completely, letting me take control of her mouth and body. Her arms go up around my broad shoulders, and I feel fingers fist the hair at the back of my head, a sign my angel is no shrinking violet. She’s full of passion and want, and I can’t wait to feel it rise in her like a tidal wave.

I reach down and grab her gorgeous ass, hoisting her up so she can wrap her legs around my waist, my rock-hard cock pressing against the hot spot between her legs. I back her up against the workbench and seat her there so I can grind my cock against her with purpose, making her moan and gasp into my mouth.

“Oh fuck, Angel, at this rate you’ll have me coming in my shorts,” I groan as I let my lips graze across her hot cheek and down her neck so I can bury my face between her plump breasts.

“Maybe we should stop,” she gasps, wriggling in my arms which just turns me on even more. But I know she’s right. My angel deserves more from me than being fucked in a barn, so I pull away to give us both some breathing space. I feel a thrill zip through me as I notice how red and flushed she is, her nipples hard and pebbled against her shirt and the heaving tops of her breasts red with a rush of blood.

“Okay, Angel,” I reply in a gruff voice. “I’m only stopping now because your ass it too precious to be fucked against an old workbench. But believe me, I will make you mine.” I press my lips to hers again and then pull away, taking her hand so we can walk back to the kennels.

“Would you like to come up to the house for dinner tonight?” she asks in a quiet voice as we lace our fingers together and walk slowly down the hill.

“I’d love that,” I reply, squeezing her hand. “I’m gonna go and call my buddy and see if he can track down Caesar in the MWD records. What time shall I come over?”

“Six o’clock. Do you like lasagna?” she asks shyly, blushing.

“That all sounds perfect.” I lift her hand to my lips and kiss our entwined fingers. “I’ll see you at six.”

I walk away toward my room and shut the door before I can turn on my heel and pull her inside. Jesus, that was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I reach down and fist my solid erection through my shorts, squeezing the base. As much as I want to spill my seed all over my hand right now, there’s no way I’m wasting a drop. Everything I have is for my angel.

And it’s then I come to the realization that I can’t just have her for the time I’m stranded in town — I need her by my side and in my bed for the rest of our lives. I smile to myself at the realization; it’s fast, no question, but it’s also right. I know it.

Now I just need her to see that, too.

Chapter 8


I have to calm the fuck down.

I’ve changed my outfit three times, almost dropped the hot lasagna dish on the kitchen floor and nicked my ankle when I was shaving my legs.

As I pull the white sundress over my head and smooth it over my curves, I feel my stomach do yet another somersault at the thought of having that big, sexy giant in my home. My cheeks begin to flush as I think about the commanding way he worked with Caesar this morning. A part of me wants him to take charge of me like that. Just thinking about him commanding me to kneel in front of him makes my pussy flutter with excitement. It’s been so long since I’ve felt the touch of a man, and my giant isn’t just any man. God, the kiss we shared in the barn almost made me come on the spot. If I’ve only got a week or two with Brandon, then I’m going to make the most of it and end my dry spell. And that’s all this needs to be — a hot, sexy fling that will hopefully help me get my mojo back.

I quickly pile my glossy, red locks into a twisted bun on top of my head, apply some mascara to my pale eyelashes and sweep some gloss over my lips. One last look in the mirror, and I head downstairs to make the salad and bread to accompany the lasagna. I need to keep myself busy so I don’t completely spin out of control while the clock ticks slowly toward six o’clock.

And right on time, there’s a firm knock on my screen door. My heart leaps into my throat. I quickly scrape the tomatoes into the salad bowl and put the knife and chopping board into the sink. I wipe my hands clean and smooth my sundress down one more time as I walk down the hall to the front door.

Through the screen door I can clearly see Brandon waiting on my porch. His back is to me which I’m thankful for — not only because I’d feel really awkward with his hot stare tracking my every move, but it’s giving me a fantastic view of his tall, broad body and tight butt. I’m ashamed to say that the view has made me even more excited and I may have to excuse myself for a mid-date panty change.

The screen door creaks as I push it open, and Brandon turns around, a bottle of wine and a simple bunch of wildflowers in his big capable hands.

“Hey there, beautiful,” he says, a hungry look on his face as his eyes devour me from head to toe. “You look incredible and whatever you’re cooking smells like it’s gonna be the best thing I’ll have eaten in months.”

That makes me giggle as he holds out the flowers, and I bring them to my nose to take in their delicate scent. It smells just like the meadow at the back of my property.

“Please come in,” I say shyly, stepping aside to let him pass, his big body grazing mine. “Thank you for the flowers, they’re beautiful.”

“Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman,” Brandon replies, leaning down to brush his lips softly against mine, making my heart soar. “But I have a confession to make.”

“Oh really? Confessions already?” I say, slipping out of his orbit so I can at least think straight.

“I stole the flowers from the meadow behind the barn. I took Caesar out for a walk this afternoon, and I just had to pick them for you.”

I guess I can’t hide the surprise on my face that this giant of a man felt the need to pick flowers for me because he chuckles and puts his hand on the small of my back as I lead the way down the hall toward the kitchen. I’ve set up the kitchen table for us to eat at because it’s less formal than my grandmother’s dining room. I quickly busy myself finding a vase and filling it with water, placing the pretty posies in the middle of the table so we can enjoy them while we eat.

“Would you like a drink before dinner? I just need to heat the lasagna through.” I say in a nervous voice, zipping around the kitchen, getting glasses from the cabinet.

Suddenly, I feel a large hand grasp my wrist, and I’m spinning around, landing against Brandon’s hard body. He’s so tall that my eyes barely clear his top button. His predatory gaze burns into me, and he licks his full lips like lasagna is the last thing he wants to eat.