Page 34 of Love By the Bay

It’s time to leave this chapter behind me and start a new one. A chapter I can’t fucking wait to begin as soon as possible.

Chapter 14


“I’d like to thank you all for your hard work and dedication to Crescent Bay Elementary this year,” Jess says, holding up her glass of champagne and toasting the faculty gathered on the patio behind her house. “Now help yourself to Tate’s barbecue. I hope you all enjoy the party. You deserve it.” There’s a small cheer and round of applause, and people start heading toward the long tables groaning with food.

We’re all here for a party to celebrate the start of the summer, and everyone is buzzing with plans on how they’re going to spend the next three months.

I stand in the late afternoon sunshine and feel none of that joy. I’ve got no plans; it feels like my life is on hold.

I’ve felt flat ever since Jake left six months ago. I know he’s been working hard on life changes, and I’m so proud of him, but I miss him so much I can’t even breathe sometimes. We’ve talked on the phone every few weeks, but over the last month I’ve hardly heard from him. We’ve exchanged a few texts, but it feels like years since I’ve seen his face, heard his voice. Every time we talked, he reassured me that everything was okay, that he was still coming back. But as time has dragged on, I’ve started getting this sinking feeling that he’s come to some sort of revelation about our relationship and he doesn’t want to be with me anymore.

“What are your plans for the summer, Olivia?” Mrs. Burns, who teaches fourth grade, asks me. I know from all the talk in the teacher’s lounge that she’s off on a European tour with her husband. Before I can answer her question, she launches into her itinerary again, and I just try to zone her out. I know it’s rude but I can’t hear about her wonderful, exciting plans when my future seems so uncertain. I won’t wait for Jake forever, especially if he’s having second thoughts, and his radio silence over the last month makes me think the worst.

“Aren’t you eating, Olivia?” Jess asks, coming over to me. Cami is balanced on her hip, gnawing on a carrot stick.

“I’m not hungry,” I sigh, my stomach churning at the thought of eating.

“I’m not accepting that,” she replies, handing me the baby. “I’m going to fix you a plate. Tate will take it as a personal affront to his masculinity if you don’t at least try his ribs.”

Before I can stop her, Jess thrusts Cami into my arms and strides toward the food. Cami promptly drops the soggy carrot stick and grabs my sunglasses, pulling them off my face.

“Whatcha got there little lady?” The deep baritone voice over my shoulder makes me spin around so quickly, Cami startles and begins to cry.

Jake blinks rapidly at the noise coming out of the baby, but stuns me senseless when he reaches out and takes her in his arms and rocks her gently. Cami immediately calms and looks up at Jake like he hung the moon; it’s completely adorable and I hate the way my ovaries ache at the sight.

“What the heck are you doing here?” I gasp, not really able to believe my eyes. Jake is standing before me looking devastatingly handsome in his white t-shirt, dark jeans and biker boots. He’s tanned and looks so healthy, that crease between his brows is completely gone.

A wide smile splits his face. “My new boss invited me to a party at his house, so I thought it would be rude not to show up.” He tickles Cami under the chin, and she wriggles and squeals with glee.

I’m so mesmerized by Jake’s interaction with the baby that I hardly take in what he’s just said. When the hell did Jake get so comfortable around kids and what does he mean by his new boss?

“Wait … new boss?” I say, shaking my head, trying to clear the confusion. “I don’t understand what’s going on here.”

At that moment, Jess and Tate join us, and she relieves Jake of the baby, handing her another carrot stick to chew on. Tate reaches out to shake Jake’s hand. “So glad you could make it in time for the party, man.”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” Jake replies, shaking Tate’s hand firmly, flashing me a sneaky smile. “I can’t wait to start working with you and Tanner. It’s an exciting opportunity, and I really appreciate you taking a chance on me.”

Tate laughs loudly. “I hardly think doing cyber security is anywhere near as exciting as what you used to do in the Navy. And it was a no brainer, the recommendation from your Lieutenant was glowing.”

Jake smiles and looks me dead in the eye. “I’m ready for a change of pace.”

I continue to stare at them like they’re all in on a joke that I’m not privy to.

Thankfully, Jess seems to sense my confusion. “Honey, why don’t we do the rounds and leave these two to catch up,” she says to Tate.

“Sure thing, babe.” Tate reaches out and shakes Jake’s hand again. “Welcome to HTC. I’ll see you bright and early on Monday.”

“Thanks again, Tate. I’m looking forward to it.”

Once Tate and Jess move away, I grab Jake’s arm and pull him over to a quieter part of the yard.

“What the hell?” I hiss angrily. “You’ve been AWOL for the last month and suddenly you roll up at my work party and drop all these bombs. I’m back in town - BOOM! I’ve left the Navy - BOOM! I’m working for Tate Harrison - BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!”

Jake just smirks and it makes me so mad, I can’t even be near him. I’ve been going through hell thinking he wasn’t coming back, and he has the nerve to laugh at me. I turn away from him to stomp off in a huff. But before I can, Jake grabs my wrist and spins me around, dropping to his knee in front of me.

“What the hell are you doing?” I shriek, fully aware that people are starting to gather around us. I feel my cheeks begin to heat up as I look around at my colleagues… and my parents?