Page 27 of Love By the Bay

“Livi.” My name comes out on a groan, like it’s painful for him even to utter it. His eyes blaze with passion, and it takes every ounce of self control not to crash my lips against his again.

“We can’t do this, not here,” I whisper. “Can I come to your house tonight? We need to talk.”

Jake closes his eyes and sighs, pressing his forehead against mine. “Of course you can, you can have anything you want.” He leans back and presses a soft kiss against my lips. “But I should just warn you that once I get you in my house, I can’t guarantee I won’t taste that pussy of yours.”

I gasp at Jake’s filthy words, at the same time my pussy floods with desire at the prospect of his lips and tongue on me. I want to respond with something sassy and sexy, but I can’t seem to find the words, and my mouth just opens and closes like a landed fish.

By the look on his face, Jake can tell that he’s shocked me and with a sexy smirk he picks up his duffel and cap, salutes me and says, “Come by anytime after six. I’ll make us dinner.”

And with that, he turns on his heel and marches out of my classroom, leaving me with burning red cheeks, kiss swollen lips, and a ruined pair of panties.

Chapter 9


The taste of her lips and the silky softness of her skins fills my head for the rest of the afternoon. When I get home, I quickly pack away my dress uniform and then decide that some time in the ocean might help get the press of Livi’s fantastic tits against my chest out of my head.

So I pull on my wetsuit and run down to the water, paddling out into the surf to try and clear my mind. But even as I paddle and push through each wave, I can’t stop seeing Livi’s face every time I close my eyes—her perfect blue irises, aquiline nose, and soft pink lips. Those tendrils of black hair trailing down her neck from that damn ponytail that I just want to wrap around my fist. I’ve had plenty of girlfriends in the past, but never have I wanted to possess and own a woman like I do with Livi. I want to make her mine in every possible way.

But it’s no good, and I know it. The massive weight of guilt I carry around my neck will always stand in my way. I can never tell her the truth. We could never have an honest and open relationship.

As I wipe out from the wave I’ve just tried to ride, I tumble through the surf and realize that when Livi comes over tonight, I need to send her away for good and possibly never return to Crescent Bay ever again.


I’ve just taken the enchiladas out of the oven and put them on the table to cool slightly, when the rattle of the screen door startles me. I’ve been like a cat on a hot tin roof all afternoon, and every noise makes me jump. Even all my years of SEAL training can’t help me through this. I’m a fucking mess and the sooner I send Livi on her way and get the fuck out of town the better. I can’t live like this—the idea of trying to put these ghosts to rest was a stupid one. Best to just bury it all deep inside and continue as I have been for the last six years. It’s not so bad to be alone. I mean who’d want to be with me anyway? I kill people for a living and even my own parents can’t stand me, so why the hell would a woman like Olivia Masters want anything to do with me?

As I take the bottle of white wine from the fridge, there’s a definite knock on the door and Olivia’s sweet voice calls out to announce her arrival.

I take a deep breath and adjust the collar of the pale blue button down shirt I’m wearing because all of a sudden it feels like it’s choking me. “C’mon in, it’s open.” My voice is a little gruff, and I scold myself for sounding like a pissed off grizzly bear. I start to clear my throat and almost swallow my tongue when Livi comes into the kitchen looking like a fucking angel. Her black hair flows loose around her bare shoulders and the flawless skin there is exposed in the halter neck sundress she’s wearing.

As she walks toward me, the short skirt swishes around her firm thighs, and I’m mesmerized by thoughts of sliding my hands up them. The memory of our kiss that afternoon is still so fresh in my mind and all thoughts of sending her away seem to vanish in an instant.

“The food smells great,” she says, breaking me out of the hypnotic trance I’ve slipped into. It’s then that I notice the box from Dreams Bakery in her hands.

“Thanks,” I reply, trying to clear my head. I nod toward the box she’s just put down on the table. “Banana cream pie?”

Livi laughs and shakes her head. “Not this time, I thought I’d mix it up a little.” She lifts the lid and the smell of apples and cinnamon hits me. “We’ve had your favorite, so this time we’re having mine. I just love their apple turnovers.” We both peer into the box at the flaky little parcels and sigh at the same time at just how delicious they smell.

“Well if they taste as good as they smell, I’m sold.” I say, taking the box and putting it on the counter so we have room to eat on my small table. “Can I pour you a glass of wine?” I thought Livi would prefer wine, even though I don’t drink the stuff myself.

With an adorable crinkle of her nose she asks, “Do you have beer? If we’re having Mexican food, I’d much prefer a nice cold beer.”

Jesus, could this woman be any more fucking perfect? I laugh and shake my head, returning the wine to the fridge and taking out two pony neck beers, popping the tops off against the counter. Livi accepts hers, clinks it against mine and takes a long drink. I watch, transfixed by the way her throat bobs with each swallow. I can’t stop the memory of my hand possessively holding her neck as I devoured her mouth.

I already know there’s no way she’s leaving here tonight without that happening again.

“I had no idea you could cook,” Livi says as she takes a seat at the table, and I serve her an enchilada. She begins to help herself to salad and tortilla chips. “It looks delicious.”

“Thanks,” I reply, serving myself and sitting down, taking a long drink of beer. My nerves are shot, and I need to calm the fuck down. “I live with a couple of guys from my team and when we got the house, none of us could cook anything more than a few steaks on the barbecue. We lived off takeout when we weren’t on deployment, so I decided to teach myself a few recipes that I could make when we were home. It kind of snowballed from there and now I love it.” I look down shyly at my food and chase a piece of cucumber around my plate.

“Well, I think that’s amazing. I’m a terrible cook.” Livi laughs, her cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink as she puts a forkful of enchilada into her mouth. Her eyes roll back and a moan so erotic it makes me painfully hard escapes her mouth as she chews. “Oh my god, Jake. This is sooooo good.”

Fuck me, I want to hear her moan those words when I’m eating her pussy. I try to remind myself that can’t happen—that tonight is about getting Olivia out of my life for good, shielding her from the truth and the man that I am.

I’m doing a shit job of that so far. She’s hypnotizing, and I’m drawn to her even though I know it could destroy us both.

We continue to make conversation about our lives, I try to ask her as many questions as I can about hers so she doesn’t bring up anything to do with mine. I know that if we open that can of worms, talk will inevitably turn toward Pete and the thought of that makes my palms sweat.